Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Assembly Processing with SAP PS

Assembly Processing
 This process is used throughout SAP R/3 logistics applications to automatically generate the following order types:
  • Planned order
  • Production order
  • Process order
  • Service order
  • Network (project)
The order type used in the Project System is the network.
Assembly Processing in the Project System:
Business Scenario
Assembly processing is relevant for businesses using the Project System to plan products or services that are produced or carried out several times in a similar constellation. Although the projects, for example, for different customers, they consist of similar activities, but the structure of the project remains the same. Details, such as quantities or the amount of work involved, can differ.
1-To use assembly processing in the Project System, you have to have created a standard network in the system. The system uses this standard network to create the executable network during assembly processing
2-You need to have set up a material master that supports assembly processing.
3-You should maintain a link between the material master and the standard network. This is done in the Project System and is described in Linking Materials and Standard Networks.
 Process Flow
  1. You start assembly processing by creating a sales document for a material. This sales
    document can be
  • An inquiry
  • quotation
  • A sales order
The system then:
  1. Configures the material, if necessary
  2. Creates a network using the standard network as a template
  3. Configures the network, if necessary
  4. Schedules the network backwards from the required delivery date
  5. check material availability
  6. Costs the network and transfers these costs to the sales document.

When you save the sales document, the system saves the network together with the sales document.
If applicable, it also generates a project definition and work breakdown structure. The project number is derived from the sales document number.
Advantages of Assembly Processing
 Assembly processing creates a link between the sales document and the project. This means that the same information is available to the employees in the sales department and to project management. The system automatically updates changes to the sales document in the network and vice-versa.
Since the system schedules the network and checks material availability when you create a sales document, you can immediately inform the customer whether you can complete the project on the date he/she requested. If not, the system proposes a date on which it is possible to complete the project.
As of Release 4.6 it is possible to use assembly processing with project stock. There is now a logical connection between the sales order number and the stock segment. This means that you can create deliveries in the Sales and Distribution component for a project that has been generated using assembly processing. Subsequently you can use the standard delivery functions in this component.
Test in IDES System: All Testing has been done in IDES System.
As per prerequisite we need to create following:
1-       Standard WBS
2-       Standard Network
3-       Material
4-       Link between the Network, Material and Standard WBS
5-       Create Sale Order
 Create Standard WBS
TC : CJ91
Path:  Choose Logistics ® Project management ® Basic data and then Standard structures ® Standard WBS® Create
In this case we are using Std. Project Definition E-1004 as template and we will create new standard WBS No. E-9802
After enter the above data press enter.
Now select icon  to display the WBS element.
You can add / delete the WBS element here.
Here Release the WBS Element.
 Now Release The WBS Element. (Remember without Release Status system will not allow to post any actual cost to new created project)
2- Remember that For All WBS Element, Operative indicator Account Assigned & Planning Element should be ticked.
Create Standard Network
TC: CN01   Path: Choose Logistics ® Project management ® Basic data and then Standard structures ® Standard networkà Create
Select the icon  to copy from Template.
Now enter standard Network ( Which one you want to copy ) .
Here you will link WBS to Network .( it is very important to create a new operative project from sale order )
Select the  for choose activities:
You can create activity here as per requirement .
You can maintain the relationship among the activities. Now Press the Total Tab :
Now here you can decide that under which WBS element , Which activity will assigned .
Here you can say that 1030 activity should assign to WBS element  E-9802-01 .
Save the network
Create Material
TC: MM01
Path: Logistics ® Production ® Master data ® Material master or Logistics ® Material management ® Material master and then Material and create (special or general)
Create material with using already exist material E-1004.
Maintain the necessary setting in Material Master. (It is necessary for Assembly processing).
Select Sale ORG 1
Press the conditions :
The amount which enters here will be the sale value of material. During creation of sale order system take the sale order value from here.
Select the relevant Item Category Group.
Maintain Strategy in MRP3 View and save then Exit.
Assignment of Material to Network :
TC: CN08
Path: Logistics ® Project management ® Basic data and then Standard structures ® Network parameters from sales order ® Edit.
Press  to enter new line .
Here we will link material to Standard Network & Standard WBS .
Assembly Processing
Create Sale Order:
TC: VA01
Path: SAP Menu àLogistic àSales and DistributionàSalesàOrderàCreate
Select the Order Type / Sale organization and Distribution Channel
Enter the Required field like Ship to party, PO No. ,Required Delivery Date ,Material No. and Quantity .Then Press Enter .
 Save the Sale Order and note down the Sale Order Number .
Last Four Digit of sale order number will use the project number with prefix E .
For our case : Sale document No. is 8170 so Project number will be E-8170.
Check in Project Builder.( CJ20N)
Now we can see that System has created new operative project in background.
And it has assigned activities to WBS accordingly.

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