Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SAP Tables & Relations

 SAP Project Systems Tables:

IMAKAppropriation requests - general data
IMAVAppropriation request variant
IMPRInvestment Program Positions
IMPUTexts for cap. inv. program positions
IMTPInvestment programs
IMZOAssignment Table- CO Object - Capital Investment Prog.Pos.
PMCOCost structure of maintenance order
PRHIWork Breakdown Structure, Edges (Hierarchy Pointer)
PROJProject definition
PRPSWBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data


SAP Finance Tables:

AGKOCleared Accounts
ANARAsset Types
ANATAsset type text
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
ANEPAsset Line Items
ANEVAsset downpymt settlement
ANKTAsset classes- Description
ANLAAsset Master Record Segment
ANLBDepreciation terms
ANLCAsset Value Fields
ANLHMain asset number
AT02TTransaction Activity Category- Description
AT02ATransaction Code for Menu TIMN
AT10Transaction type
AT10TName of Transaction Type
BKDFDocument Header Supplement for Recurring Entry
BKORMAccounting Correspondence Requests
BKPFAccounting Document Header
BLPKDocument log header
BLPPDocument log item
BLPRDocument Log Index and Planned Order (Backflush)
BNKABank master record
BP000Business Partner Master (General Data)
BPBKDoc.Header Controlling Obj.
BPEGLine Item Total Values Controlling Obj.
BPEJLine Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.
BPEPLine Item Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPGETotals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPJATotals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BSADAccounting- Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)
BSAKAccounting- Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)
BSASAccounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
BSECOne-Time Account Data Document Segment
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
BSIDAccounting- Secondary Index for Customers
BSIKAccounting- Secondary Index for Vendors
BSIMSecondary Index, Documents for Material
BSISAccounting- Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
CEPCProfit Center Master Data Table
CEPCTTexts for Profit Center Master Data
COBRASettlement Rule for Order Settlement
COBRBDistribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COKACO Object- Control Data for Cost Elements
COSPCO Object- Cost Totals for External Postings
COSSCO Object- Cost Totals for Internal Postings
CRCOAssignment of Work Center to Cost Center
CSKACost Elements (Data Dependent on Chart of Accounts)
CSKBCost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)
CSLAActivity master
FEBEPElectronic Bank Statement Line Items
FPLABilling Plan
FPLTBilling Plan- Dates
GLPCTEC-PCA- Totals Table
KNA1General Data in Customer Master
KOMKPricing Communication Header
MAHNVManagement Records for the Dunning Program
REGUTTemSe - Administration Data
SKA1G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)
SKATG/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts- Description)
SKB1G/L account master (company code)
T003TDocument Type Texts
T007STax Code Names
TAPRFTText tab. for investment profile
TKA01Controlling Areas
TKA09Basic Settings for Versions
TKVSCO Versions
TZB0TFlow types text table
TZPATFinancial Assets Management product type texts
VBSEGSDocument Segment for G/L Accounts Document Parking
VTBFHAPOTransaction Flow
VTBFHAZUTransaction Activity
VTBFINKOTransaction Condition
VTIDERIMaster Data Listed Options and Futures
VTIFHAUnderlying transaction
VTIFHAPOUnderlying transaction flows
VTIFHAZUUnderlying transaction status table
VTIOFOptions Additional Data
VWPANLAAsset master for securities


SAP Materials Management Tables:

EINAPurchasing Info Record- General Data
EINEPurchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
MAKTMaterial Descriptions
MARAGeneral Material Data
MARCPlant Data for Material
MARDStorage Location Data for Material
MASTMaterial to BOM Link
MBEWMaterial Valuation
MKPFHeader- Material Document
MSEGDocument Segment- Material
MVERMaterial Consumption
MVKESales Data for materials
RKPFDocument Header- Reservation
T023Mat. groups
T024Purchasing Groups
T156Movement Type
T157HHelp Texts for Movement Types
MOFFLists what views have not been created


Purchasing Tables:

EBANPurchase Requisition
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
EKABRelease Documentation
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKOPurchasing Document Header
EKPOPurchasing Document Item
IKPFHeader- Physical Inventory Document
ISEGPhysical Inventory Document Items
LFA1Vendor Master (General section)
LFB1Vendor Master (Company Code)
NRIVNumber range intervals
RESBReservation/dependent requirements
T161TTexts for Purchasing Document Types


SAP Production Planning:

MASTMaterial BOM
STPOBOM Positions (detail)
MAPLAssignment fo Task Lists to Materials
PLKORouting Group Header
PLSORouting Group Sequence
PLPORouting Group Operations
AFKOProduction Order Header
AFPOProduction Order Position (details)


SAP Sales and Distribution Tables:

KONVConditions for Transaction Data
KONPConditions for Items
LIKPDelivery Header Data
LIPSDelivery: Item data
VBAKSales Document: Header Data
VBAPSales Document: Item Data
VBBESales Requirements: Individual Records
VBEHSchedule line history
VBEPSales Document: Schedule Line Data
VBFASales Document Flow
VBLBSales document: Release order data
VBLKSD Document: Delivery Note Header
VBPASales Document: Partner
VBRKBilling: Header Data
VBRPBilling: Item Data
VBUKSales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
VBUPSales Document: Item Status
VEKPHandling Unit - Header Table
VEPOPacking: Handling Unit Item (Contents)
VEPVGDelivery Due Index


SAP PM/SD Tables:

AFABNetwork - Relationships
AFFHPRT assignment data for the work order
AFFLWork order sequence
AFFTOrder - Process Instructions
AFFVOrder - Process Instruction Values
AFFWGoods movements with errors from confirmations
AFIHMaintenance order header
AFKOOrder header data PP orders
AFPOOrder item
AFRCIncorrect cost calculations from confirmations
AFRDDefault values for collective confirmation
AFRHHeader information for confirmation pool
AFRUOrder completion confirmations
AFRVConfirmations pool
AFVCOperation within an order
AFVUDB structure of the user fields of the operation
AFVVDB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
AFWISubsequently posted goods movements for confirmations
AUFKOrder master data
AUFMGoods movements for order
BGMKMaster Warranty Header
BGMPMaster Warranty Item
BGMSMaster Warranty Text Item
BGMTMaster Warranty Text
BGMZWarranty Counter
CRHDWork Center Header
CRTXText for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool
EQKTEquipment Short Texts
EQSTEquipment to BOM Link
EQUIEquipment master data
EQUZEquipment time segment
HIKOOrder master data history
IFLOTable generated for View IFLO
IFLOTFunctional Location (Table)
IFLOTXFunctional Location- Short Texts
IHGNSPermit Segment for Plant Maintenance
IHPAPlant Maintenance- Partners
IHSGObject-Related Permits in Plant Maintenance
ILOAPM Object Location and Account Assignment
IMPTTMeasuring Point (Table)
IMRGMeasurement Document
KAKOCapacity Header Segment
KONPConditions (Item)
KONVConditions (Transaction Data)
OBJKPlant Maintenance Object List
QMELQuality Notification
QMFEQuality notification - items
QMIHQuality message - maintenance data excerpt
QMMAQuality notification - activities
QMSMQuality notification - tasks
QMURQuality notification - causes
T001Company Codes
T001LStorage Locations
T077DCustomer account groups
T003OOrder Types
T352RMaintenance revisions
T353I_TMaintenance activity type description
T357G_TText for Table 357GT
T370AActivity Category for PM Lists
TINCTCustomers- Incoterms- Texts
TVKOOrganizational Unit- Sales Organizations
TVKOSOrganizational Unit- Divisions per Sales Organization
TVKOVOrg. Unit- Distribution Channels per Sales Organization
TVTAOrganizational Unit- Sales Area(s)
VIAUFKSTGenerated Table for View VIAUFKST


SAP System Tables:

ADCPPerson/Address assignment (central address administration)
ADIRACCESSTable to store keys for TADIR objects
ADR2Telephone numbers (central address admin.)
ADRPPersons (central address administration)
APQIQueue info definition
D010SINFABAP- Information about ABAP program source code
E071Change and Transport System- Object Entries of Requests/Tasks
E07TChange and Transport System- Short Texts for Requests/Tasks
ENLFDIRAdditional Attributes for Function Modules
INDXSystem table INDX
NASTMessage Status
STXHSTXD SAPscript text file header
T005STaxes- Region (Province) Key
T005UTaxes- Region Key- Texts
T006Units of Measurement
T015MNames of the months
T247Month name and short text
T777ABuilding Addresses
TADIRDirectory of Repository Objects
TBTCOJob status overview table
TBTCPBatch job step overview
TFDIRFunction Module
TFTITFunction Module Short Text
TSP03LSpool- Long device names
TSTCSAP Transaction Codes
TSTCTTransaction Code Texts
TUTYPUser Types in Current Price List in SAP System
TUZUSSpecial versions
TVARVTable of variables in selection criteria
TVDIRView Directory
US930Data Relevant to Measurement for User Master Record
USR01User master record (runtime data)
USR02Logon data
USR04User master authorizations
USR06Additional Data per User
USR14Surchargeable Language Versions per User
USR21Assign user name address key
ARCH_OBJObjects for archiving and reorganization
BTCUEDDescription of user event IDs for background processing
BTXSUPBBSI- Upgrade-Information
CCCFLOWClient Copy Control Flow
DBSTATCDB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)
DEVACCESSTable for development users
E070Change and Transport System- Header of Requests/Tasks
E070LCTS- Index for Assigning Numbers to Requests/Tasks
INSTVERSDocumentation for installation Status and History
PAT03Patch Directory
SDBACDBA Action Table
TAPLTProgram Application Long Texts
TDEVCDevelopment Classes
TEMSETemp Sequential table.
TLOCKChange and Transport System- Lock Table
TNAPRProcessing programs for output. Can be very handy to find the print program for a SAPScript.
TNASTPrinted output control table
TPFETTable of profile parameters
TPFHTProfile header, administration data for profiles in DB
TPROTTable contains all DD tables to be logged
TRBATCommunication Table for Transport Control
TRDIRTTitle texts for programs in TRDIR
TRESNTable of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench
TRJOBJob ID for Coordinating Batch-ABAP/UNIX for Transports
TSP03CSpool- Device Description Extension
TST03TemSe data
USOBTRelation transaction - authorization object
USR03User address data
USR05User Master Parameter ID
USR12User master authorization values
USR40Table for illegal passwords
USR41User master- Additional data
UST04User masters
VARITVariant texts
VARIDVariant directory
D010TABTable for Use Report---Tables
DD02LSAP tables
DD02TR/3 DD- SAP table texts
DD03LTable Fields
DD03TDD- Texts for fields (language dependent)
EDIDCIDOC Control Records
EDIDOTShort description of IDoc types
EDID2IDOC segments (version 3.1)
EDID4IDOC segments (version 4.6)
EDSEAEDI- Table of all segments of current release
VRSX2Central Table for Version Management (Report Source)
TSE05Can add parameters to the INSERT COMMAND (IC). Then, when you insert command, your info appears in the editor. Useful for comment blocks, common section of code, etc.
CDPOSChange document items
CDHDRChange document header
T529Agoverns the foreground sequence of infotypes the system will use to prompt the user during online and batch processing. You will have to code your BDC to follow that sequence of creating infotypes.
T588Zgoverns the dynamic event processing that will only take place during online user inputs. For BDC's you will have to create separate BDC's to handle any infotypes that are inserted dynamically by this table.
T588MInfotype Screen Control

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