Thursday, April 18, 2013

SAP MM Configuration

2 Enterprise Structure - Definition

2.1 Define Valuation Level

 Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Definition --> Logistics general --> Define Valuation Level
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we specify the level at which material stocks are valuated. We have used the Plant level since the application component Production Planning (PP) and Costing are being used.

  • Depending on the valuation level chosen, accounting data (in particular the valuation price) is maintained for each plant or for each company code in the material master record.
  • If material stocks are valuated at company code level, all plant stocks of a material are managed in a joint stock account for each company code.
  • If material stocks are valuated at plant level, the material stocks for each plant can be managed in different accounts. We can define a separate account determination for each plant.

2.2 Define Plant

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Definition --> Logistics general --> Define, copy, delete, check plant
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
As a part of the Logistics Organizational Structure, Plants are defined in SAP. The ‘Plant’ is an operating area or a branch or a location within a company. Each 'Plant' is assigned to a single 'company code'. A 'company code' can have several 'Plants'. In case of ITZ Pvt. Ltd., the various 'Plants' are assigned to a each 'company code'.

Configuration of One Plant is depicted here, (for list of all please refer to MM KDS Document)

2.3 Maintain Storage Location

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Definition --> Materials Management --> Maintain Storage Location
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
A storage location is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant. There may be one or more storage locations within a plant.

A storage location has the following attributes:

  • A storage location has a description and at least one address.
  • It is possible to store material data specific to a storage location.
  • Stocks are managed only on a quantity basis and not on a value basis at storage location level.
  • Physical inventories are carried out at storage location level.

Configuration of Storage Locations under One Plant is depicted here, (for list of all please refer to MM KDS Document)

2.4 Maintain purchasing organization

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Definition --> Materials Management à Maintain Purchasing Organization
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
At this node we configure the Purchasing Organization .The purchasing organization is the highest level of aggregation (after the organizational unit "client") for purchasing statistics.
In case of ITZ One single Purchase Organization is created as under :

3 Enterprise Structure Assignments

3.1 Assign Plant to Company Code

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Assignment --> Logistics general --> Assign Plant to Company Code
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
A Plant needs to be assigned to one of the Company Codes, the relation is always one to one i.e. One Plant can be assigned to only one company code

All the plants can’t be shown here(for complete list refer MM KDS document)

3.2 Assign purchasing organization to company code

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Assignment --> Logistics general --> Assign purchasing organization to company code
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this node we assign the Purchasing Organization to the company code under which it works.
In case of ITZ the Purchasing Organization is Central, so it is not assigned to any Company Code

3.3 Assign purchasing organization to Plant

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Assignment --> Logistics general --> Assign purchasing organization to Plant
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we assign purchasing organizations to the plants for which they are responsible.
In case of ITZ since it operates with Centralized Purchasing Org. we have assigned the Purchasing Org. to all the plants defined as of  now

3.4 Assign standard purchasing organization to plant

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Enterprise Structure --> Assignment --> Logistics general --> Assign standard purchasing organization to plant
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
If several purchasing organisations procure for a certain plant, we can define one of them as the standard purchasing organization for the transactions "pipeline procurement", "consigmnent" and "stock transfers".

In source determination for stock transfers and consignent, the system automatically utilizes this standard purchasing organization. In the case of goods issues of pipeline materials, the purchasing info records of the standard purchasing organization are read.

In ITZ,  we have not defined this Setting as we are using single Purchasing Organisation

4 General Logistics 

4.1 Assign Fields to Fields Selection Groups

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Field Selectionà Assign Fields to Fields Selection Groups
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Assignment of Material Master Fields is required to define whether a field is hidden or displayed, or whether an entry is mandatory or optional in material master maintenance, it is always advisable to work with Standard SAP settings, but for few business requirement some assignments are changed to new field selection groups defined as per reserved name space. in case of ITZ, some of the list of changed entries is as given below:

Field Name
Changed Field Grp
MVKE-MVGR1 Material group 1 211
MVKE-MVGR2 Material group 2 211
MVKE-MVGR3 Material group 3 211

4.2 Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Field Selectionà Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define the nature of a Field belonging to a particular Field Selection Group wrt the Screen Reference of a Material Type. Steps involved are :
  • Selecting the field selection group.
  • Select the field selection option (hide, display, required entry, or Optional entry) for each field reference as required.

4.3 Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Basic Settingsà Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
This activity is done for making a Company Code relevant for materials Management and to define the starting posting period This is a prerequisite for creating a Material Master

4.4 Define Attributes of Material Types

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Basic Settingsà Material Typesà Define Attributes of Material Types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Material type is analogous to the family of a material master; all the important attributes of a material are governed by settings in the material type. To be precise it governs :
  1. 1. Number range pattern and nature (external/internal)
  2. 2. Hide/optional fields in the material master
  3. 3. Valuation Control at valuation area level (ultimately used to derive G/L)
  4. 4. Control on Production/Purchase

4.5 Define Number Ranges for each material types

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Basic Settingsà Material Typesà Define Number Ranges for each Material Types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have defined the type of number assignment and the number range intervals for material master records. When creating a material master record, system must assign it a unique number. There are two ways of doing this:
  • internal number assignment
In this case, a number within the number range interval allowed is assigned by the SAP system.
  • external number assignment
Here, the user assigns a number within the number range interval allowed. We can define the intervals for external number assignment numerically and alphanumerically.
We have defined the number range intervals for so-called groups. We assign one or more material types to each group.
  • If we assign just one material type to a group, we can define both an internal and an external number range interval for the material type.
  • If we group together more than one material type, we can define an internal and an external number range interval here too. This allows several material types to have the same number range intervals.

4.6 Define Attributes of system messages

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Basic Settingsà Define Attributes of system messages
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
When processing material master records, the system issues a number of system messages containing important user information. In this activity, we define how the SAP system handles these messages. We have the following options:
  • The message can be suppressed.
  • The message can be displayed as a warning.
  • The message can be displayed as an error message. (can’t be surpassed)

For ITZ requirement Message Numbers MM189 & 312 are changed as Error message
We are using Standard SAP Messages.

4.7 Define Material Groups

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Settings for Key Fieldsà Define Material Groups
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we define the Groups for Materials & Services, This Grouping shall be defined keeping in mind the reporting requirement of the company for analysing Purchases, Consumptions, Stocks etc,

Setting is just a table entry, few records are shown in the screen shot, for complete list refer to the MM KDS document or the actual system node

4.8 Define External Material Groups

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Settings for Key Fieldsà Define External Material Groups
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we define the Groups for giving an extra key for filtering, sorting the list of materials from a criterion other than Material grouping
In case of ITZ we have not used External Material Groups

4.9 Initialize Period

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Logistics - General à Material Master à Toolsà Initialize Period
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
This Transaction can be used to initialize the period in materials management , i.e. it opens the already closed period (thru Txn : MMPV), but opening a period has serious implications on data consistency in SAP so as recommended by SAP  Follow the instructions in Note 487381 before initialization

5 Materials Management – Consumption based Planning

5.1 Activate MRP for MRP Areas

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Consumption-based Planning à Master Data à MRP Areas àActivate MRP for MRP Areas
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
This setting is required if we want to have planning at a level other than plants i.e. either of Storage location / at Subcontractor level.
An MRP area represents an organizational unit for which we can perform material requirements planning separately.
An MRP area can include one or several storage locations of a plant or a subcontractor. We can define MRP areas in a plant.
For ITZ Ltd., we have not used MRP Areas.

5.2 Define MRP Areas

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Consumption-based Planning à Master Data à MRP Areas àDefine MRP Areas
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we define the MRP areas for a plant for which we would like to carry out material requirements planning separately.
When creating an MRP area, we enter the number, which must have at least 5 digits to avoid any overlapping with the plant MRP area, the description and the MRP area type
In case of ITZ we have  not defined MRP area

Important : If MRP area is activated  Conversion of Planning file entries needs to be run in every new System Client through Report RMDBVM00  in Txn : SE38

The conversion report causes the system to create a new planning file. In addition, the system creates MRP area for the existing plants. These MRP areas do not, however, affect the way material requirements planning is carried out. The number for plant MRP areas is identical to the plant number and therefore consists of four digits.

The conversion of the current planning file (table MDVM) to the new planning file (table DBVM) is a prerequisite for carrying out material requirements planning with MRP areas.

6 Materials Management – Purchasing

6.1 Define Attributes of System Messages

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Environment Data à Define Attributes of System Messages
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In Purchasing, certain system messages containing important information for users may be issued from time to time
In this step, we can specify whether the SAP System:
  • Suppresses the relevant information
  • Issues it as a warning message
  • Issues it as an error message
In the case of an error message, processing cannot be continued until user input has been corrected

For ITZ requirement, messages (as a change from standard) are configured as given below:

6.2 Define Purchasing Value Keys

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Material Master à Define Purchasing Value Keys
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
With Purchasing value key we can control following functions by using it in the material master purchasing view, purchasing value key governs:
  • The issue of reminders and urging letters (expediters) with respect to nearly due and overdue deliveries
  • The admissibility of over- and under deliveries ("overages" and "under ages")
  • Order acknowledgment requirements for PO items
  • Shipping/packaging instructions
This data appears as default data in purchasing documents and is taken from the material master record (unless a purchasing info record exists, in which case it is taken from the info records).

6.3 Entry Aids for Items without a Material Master

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Material Master à Entry Aids for Items Without a Material Master
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we assign In this step, we can assign a purchasing value key and a valuation class to a material group.
The assignment of a purchasing value key default values for reminder levels etc. in purchase order items without a material master record and without an info record.
The assignment of a valuation class to a material group enables the system to determine different accounts for the individual material groups.

For ITZ we have maintained Valuation Classes in the accounting view of the materials.

6.4 Create Purchasing Groups

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Create Purchasing Groups
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
It’s a key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities. useful in accessing information, controlling authorizations, setting up release strategies etc. for ITZ ‘s Requirement following groups are configured, configuration is a simple table entry but purchasing group has a comprehensive use in all purchasing transactions/ documents

6.5 Define Document Types (RFQ/Quotation)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à RFQ/Quotation à Define Document Types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
SAP manages RFQs and quotations as documents which are grouped into different document types., in this step we have :
  • Created new document types
  • Defined item interval
  • Defined admissible follow-on document types
  • Assigned document types to a number range group
  • Defined number range interval
  • Chosen
    • internal
    • external
  • Chosen
The update group determines how the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file.

Linkage determines which PR document types can be referenced  for creating a particular  RFQ document type

6.6 Define Text Types for Header Texts (RFQ/Quotations)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àRFQ /Quotations à Define Text Types for Header Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define different Texts which appear in RFQ/Quotation Headers, which are used to store information applicable for a particular RFQ document
We have standard Header Text Types.

6.7 Define copying rules for Header Texts (RFQ/Quotations)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àRFQ /Quotations à Define copying rules for Line Texts (RFQ/Quotations)
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define copying rules for different header  Texts which appear in RFQ/Quotation Line Items
Copying rules are used to determine which texts can be adapted from other objects (for example, vendor master records, contracts) to the header text of the RFQ. We link text types in the RFQ with text types in other objects. System can adopt header texts from the following objects:
  • RFQ / Quotation
  • Contract
  • Scheduling agreement
  • Vendor master
We can also specify whether the adopted text can be edited in the destination document or not. This type of setting is more useful in PO Header Texts

6.8 Define document types (Purchase Requisitions)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Purchase Requisitions à Define document types (Purchase Requisitions)
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
SAP manages Purchase Requisitions as documents which are grouped into various document types., in this step we have :
  • Created new document types
  • Defined item interval
  • Defined admissible follow-on document types
  • Assigned document types to a number range group
  • Defined number range interval
  • Chosen
    • internal
    • external
  • Chosen
The update group determines how the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file.

Above linkage governs which type of PO can be created  using PR of a particular type

6.9 Release Procedure with Classification (Purchase Requisitions)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing à Purchase Requisitions à Release Procedure àProcedure with Classification à Set Up Procedure with Classification
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have set up the release procedure with classification.

Purchase Requisition release is the process in which Purchase Requisition is approved and released by HOD of concern department for request of required material or services specified in Purchase Requisition. Once the Purchase Requisition is approved and released then Purchase Order or RFQ will be created for that material or services against same Purchase Requisition.

Configuration involves following elements in sequence:
Release Group:
Specify for the release group either "overall release" or "item-wise release"

Release codes:
The Release Code is a two-character ID allowing a person to release (approve) a requisition.(analogous to approver code)

Release Indicators:
A release indicator shows the release status of a purchase requisition

Release Indicators also involve:
Field selection key
via the field selection key, we can specify which fields in a purchase requisition with this release indicator can be changed or must be populated

Changes after start of release process
  • With the Changeability indicator, we can specify the effects of changes to a requisition. For example, certain changes may require a new release strategy to be determined for the requisition.
  • Via the Value change field, we can cause the release strategy to be re-started if the value of a purchase requisition item is increased by more than a certain percentage (e.g. 10%). To do so, set the Changeability indicator to "4 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value change" and enter a percentage in the Value change field.
Release Strategy
The Release Strategy defines the approval process for Purchase Requisitions. The strategy specifies the release codes which are necessary and the sequence in which releases have to be affected. We can define a maximum of eight release codes i.e. 8 Levels of approval.
Release Prerequisites indicate the sequence in which a Purchase Requisition must be approved via the release codes. (In ITZ case release is parallel(either / or so indicators are kept blank)

Release Status indicates the affect after the release by a particular release code

Release Values
These values need to be maintained in every client manually, this forms the basis on which release strategy is triggered for a PR.
An important prerequisite for this is to create Class & Characteristics in class type 032
Characteristics for Release Strategy

Create the Characteristics required for release strategy as master data thru transaction CT04, here the most important setting is to attach the characteristics to corresponding field of structure CEBAN

attach it to the structure

Class for Release Strategy

Create the class as master data thru transaction CL02
and attach the Characteristics created earlier to the class

6.10 Define Number Ranges (Purchase Orders)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase order à Define Number Ranges
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define number ranges for Purchase order document types, (defined separately in customizing), this setting also includes number ranges for other external purchasing documents i.e. for Contracts/Scheduling Agreements and RFQs.
There are two ways of doing this:
  • internal number assignment
In this case, a number within the number range interval allowed is assigned by the SAP system.
  • external number assignment
Here, the user assigns a number within the number range interval allowed. We can define the intervals for external number assignment numerically and alphanumerically.

In case of ITZ all the documents are assigned with internal number ranges with the exception for document type “Legacy Open P.O”, as it was required to retain the legacy P.O number for this case.

go in change mode and define the intervals as shown:

6.11 Define Document types (Purchase Orders)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Orders à Define document types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
SAP manages Purchase Orders as documents which are grouped into various document types., in this step we have :
  • Created new document types
  • Defined item interval
  • Define allowable item categories
  • Defined admissible follow-on document types
  • Assigned document types to a number range group
  • Defined number range interval
  • Chosen
    • internal
    • external
  • Chosen
The update group determines how the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file.

Above linkage governs which type of PR can be referenced created  while creating a particular Contract  document type

6.12 Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase order à Set Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
When processing a purchase order, the system checks whether the effective price of a PO item shows variances compared with the valuation price stored in the material master record. In addition, it checks whether the specified cash discount value is admissible.
Variances are allowed within the tolerance limits. If a variance exceeds a tolerance limit, the system issues a warning or error message. In SAP, the types of variance are represented by the tolerance keys. For each tolerance key, we can define percentage and value-dependent upper and lower limits per company code.
  • PE Price variance, Purchasing
    • Tolerance limit for system message no. 207. This message appears if the specified effective price exceeds the predefined tolerances when compared with the material price.
  • SE Maximum cash discount deduction, Purchasing
    • Tolerance limit for system message no. 231. This is a warning message, which appears when the specified cash discount percentage exceeds the predefined tolerances.

6.13 Release Procedure for Purchase Orders

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Order à Release Procedure for Purchase Orders
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have set up the release procedure for Purchase Orders(this also covers the process for other external purchasing documents e.g. contracts/scheduling agreements)
Purchase Order release is the process in which PO is approved and released by HOD of concern department for request of required material or services specified in PO. Once the Order is approved and released then GR can be created against the PO

In case of ITZ, Release strategy is used in case of all purchases.

Configuration involves following elements in sequence:

Release Group:
Release groups are created for each type of purchasing

Release codes:
The Release Code is a two-character ID allowing a person to release (approve) a requisition.(analogous to approver code)

Release Indicators:
A release indicator shows the release status of a Purchase Order

Release Indicators also involve:
Changeability Indicator
With the Changeability indicator, we can specify the effects of changes to a PO document. For example, certain changes may require a new release strategy to be determined for the requisition.

  • Via the Value change field, we can cause the release strategy to be re-started if the value of a purchase order is increased by more than a certain percentage (e.g. 10%). To do so, set the Changeability indicator to "6 - Changeable, new release in case of new strategy or value change" and enter a percentage in the Value change field.
Release Strategy
The Release Strategy defines the approval process for PO. The strategy specifies the release codes which are necessary and the sequence in which releases have to be affected. We can define a maximum of eight release codes i.e. 8 Levels of approval.
Release Prerequisites indicate the sequence in which a Purchase Requisition must be approved via the release codes. (In ITZ case release is by a single authority so there are no prerequisite involved)

Release Status indicates the affect after the release by a particular release code

Release Values
These values need to be maintained in every client manually, this forms the basis on which release strategy is triggered for a PO.
An important prerequisite for this is to create Class & Characteristics in class type 032
Characteristics for Release Strategy

Create the Characteristics required for release strategy as master data thru transaction CT04, here the most important setting is to attach the characteristics to corresponding field of structure CEKKO

And attach it to the structure

Class for Release Strategy

Create the class as master data thru transaction CL02 and attach the Characteristics created earlier to the class

6.14       Define Screen Layout at Document Level

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Orders à Define Screen Layout at Document Level
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define the attributes of various fields contained in a field selection key  (defined for a document type) inside which various fields are grouped into fields selection groups.Steps involved in the process  are :
  • Selecting the field selection key (defined for a document type)
  • Select the field selection option (hide, display, required entry, or Optional entry) for each field inside a field selection group reference as required.

Select a field selection key and set the attributes inside as shown:

get inside a field group and choose the attributes

settings can be made similarly  for other fields in various other groups as & when required

6.15 Define Text Types for Header Texts (Purchase Orders)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Order à Define Text Types for Header Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define different Texts which appear in Purchase order header, these are used to store information applicable for a particular PO document

6.16 Define copying rules for Header Texts (Purchase Order)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Orders à Define copying rules for Header Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define copying rules for different header  Texts which appear in Purchase Order Headers
Copying rules are used to determine which texts can be adapted from other objects (for example, vendor master records, contracts, RFQ) to the header text of the Purchase Order. We link text types in the PO with text types in other objects. System can adopt header texts from the following objects:
  • RFQ / Quotation
  • Contract
  • Scheduling agreement
  • Vendor master
  • Purchase Requisition
We can also specify whether the adopted text can be edited in the destination document or not. Currently we are not maintaining any copying rule for header texts

6.17 Define Text Types for Item Texts (Purchase Orders)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Order à Define Text Types for Item Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define different Texts which appear in Purchase order item level, these are used to store information applicable for a particular PO document line item

6.18 Define copying rules for Item Texts (Purchase Order)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPurchase Orders à Define copying rules for Item Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define copying rules for different item  Texts which appear in Purchase Order ITEM
Copying rules are used to determine which texts can be adapted from other objects (for example, vendor master records, contracts, RFQ) to the header text of the Purchase Order. We link text types in the PO with text types in other objects. System can adopt header texts from the following objects:
  • RFQ / Quotation
  • Purchase Requisition
  • Purchase Info record
  • Contract
  • Material master
We can also specify here whether the adopted text can be edited in the destination document or not.

maintain the rules for a text as under

6.19 Define Document Types (Contracts)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define Document Types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
SAP manages Contracts as documents which are grouped into various document types., in this step we have :
  • Created new document types
  • Defined item interval
  • Define allowable item categories
  • Defined admissible follow-on document types
  • Assigned document types to a number range group
  • Defined number range interval
  • Chosen
    • internal
    • external
  • Chosen
The update group determines how the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file.
In case of ITZ, use of Contracts and Scheduling agreements is very minimal so we have  retained and used standard SAP document types

Above linkage governs which type of PR can be referenced created  while creating a particular Contract  document type

6.20       Define Screen Layout at Document Level (Contracts)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define Screen Layout at Document Level
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define the attributes of various fields contained in a field selection key  (defined for a document type) inside which various fields are grouped into fields selection groups.Steps involved in the process  are :
  • Selecting the field selection key (defined for a document type)
  • Select the field selection option (hide, display, required entry, or Optional entry) for each field inside a field selection group reference as required.

Select a field selection key and set the attributes inside as shown:

get inside a field group and choose the attributes

settings can be made similarly  for other fields in various other groups as & when required

6.21 Define Text Types for Header Texts (Contracts)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define Text Types for Header Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define different Texts which appear in Contract header, these are used to store information applicable for a particular Contract document

6.22 Define copying rules for Header Texts (Contracts)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define copying rules for Header Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define copying rules for different header  Texts which appear in Contract Headers
Copying rules are used to determine which texts can be adapted from other objects (for example, vendor master records, Contract, RFQ) to the header text of the Contract. We link text types in the PO with text types in other objects. System can adopt header texts from the following objects:
  • RFQ / Quotation
  • Contract
  • Vendor master
We can also specify whether the adopted text can be edited in the destination document or not.

We are maintaining Standard Text and copying Rules for Header Texts

6.23 Define Text Types for Item Texts (Contracts)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define Text Types for Item Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define different Texts which appear in Contract item level, these are used to store information applicable for a particular Contract document line item

6.24 Define copying rules for Item Texts (Contract)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àContracts à Define copying rules for Item Texts
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define copying rules for different item  Texts which appear in Contract Headers
Copying rules are used to determine which texts can be adapted from other objects (for example, vendor master records, contracts, RFQ) to the header text of the Contract. We link text types in the Contract with text types in other objects. System can adopt header texts from the following objects:
  • RFQ / Quotation
  • Purchase Requisition
  • Contract
  • Purchase Info record
  • Material master
We can also specify here whether the adopted text can be edited in the destination document or not.

maintain the rules for a text as under

6.25 Define External Confirmation Categories

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConfirmations à Define External Confirmation Categories
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Notification from the vendor to the recipient regarding the status of a purchase order., In case of ITZ , CONFIRMATIONS are not being used Confirmation categories are defined to symbolize the key for a type of confirmation

6.26 Define Internal Confirmation Categories

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConfirmations à Define Internal Confirmation Categories
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we assign an external confirmation category to each internal confirmation category.
Internal Categories are for system controls.

6.27 Set Up Confirmation Control

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConfirmations à Set Up Confirmation Control
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we assign an external confirmation category to each internal confirmation category.
Internal Categories are for system controls.

As shown all the conformation categories are relevant for MRP, but the last one is relevant to GR also, which means that when a GR is made against the P.O line item it will get defaulted with qty of last conf. category

6.28 Define Access Sequence

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Access Sequence
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Access sequence is an important element of pricing determination. It is the Order in which the system searches through the condition tables when searching for particular condition records. The search order goes from specific condition records to general condition records.
  1. E.G.

Access sequence is made up of condition table (the level at which data is stored)
In the access sequence shown system will search for the record from first to last table in sequence. (e.g. if Custom duty % for a material is maintained at all the three levels i.e. Incoterms-plant-maerial  / Plant-Material / Plant-Material Type level , then system will take the record from 1st available level only i.e. Incoterms-plant-maerial in this case)
Each condition table is defined as an combination of fields for data access and is assigned to different condition types ( In case of ITZ , we are not maintaining any access sequence),

6.29 Define Condition Types

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Condition Types
Transaction Code
Configuration Description
In this step we have defined condition types.
The condition types are used to represent pricing elements such as prices, discounts, surcharges, taxes, or delivery costs in the SAP. These are stored in the system in condition records.
For condition types for which we want to maintain conditions with their own validity period we have specified an access sequence. (e.g. for all import duty conditions
Important Settings Condition type include:
Condition Class: Defines nature of condition as Prices / surcharge / discounts etc.
Calculation type: Defines nature of condition unit i.e. Amount type / Percentage / Qty etc
Condition Category : e.g. Packaging, Cost , Tax, Delivery Costs(requiring extra vendor at condition level)
Access Sequence : Allows condition records to be maintained
Header Condition : Allows usage at Header level of Purchasing document
Accruals : Makes a condition irrelevant to net price calculation i.e. excluded from tax base

6.30 Define Calculation Schema

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Calculation Schema
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have defined the calculation schemas.
In MM area, a calculation schema is a framework of steps used to calculate pricing in as purchasing document
Analogous to this is referred to in the Sales and Distribution (SD) area as a pricing procedure.
In the calculation schema (pricing procedure), we specify which condition types are to be taken into account in which sequence.
In the price (or cost) determination process, the SAP System automatically determines which calculation schema is valid for a business transaction and takes into account, one after another, the condition types it contains
In case of ITZ we have defined schemas all starting with Z*, these will get derived in different types of purchasing documents as per the rule explained in Schema determination configuration
Select one of the schema and see the control data as shown below:
Important keys in defining Schema are as under:
Step No. & Counter: For determination the sequence of conditions and to act as a base for calculations with in condition
From- To : Base for calculation of condition value, this is only relevant for % type of conditions
Statistical: Makes a condition non-relevant to account postings
Subtotal: Used to pass the condition value in to fields of P.O item tables and other pricing structure
Requirement : Used for validating Condition value determination using small ABAP written formulae
Base Type: Here a Formula for determining the condition basis as an alternative to the standard.
Accrual key: for deriving a separate account during GR / Invoice postings

6.31 Define Schema Group

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Schema Group
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Every External Purchase document derives Calculation Schema from a combination of Purchasing Organization and Vendor, to simplify data maintenance for this process SAP works with grouping concept. So all the purchasing org. are grouped in to a Schema group and Vendors requiring same pricing stricture are grouped into a Schema group , now for the combination of these , system derives the pricing schemas

Click on a row to enter :

the other part i.e. vendors are assigned with schema group in vendor master

6.32 Define Schema Determination

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Schema determination
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we have defined the determination of Pricing schema for different type of Purchasing documents and for Stock transport orders

For standard purchase orders
(depending on the schema group of the vendor and the purchasing organization)
For stock transport orders
(depending on the supplying plant, the document type and the schema group of the purchasing organization)

select first item ,
and second item

6.33 Define Transaction Event keys

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Define Transaction Event keys
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have defined transaction/event keys for condition types involving provisions.
This enables the system to find the relevant account for provisions (for accrued delivery costs or miscellaneous provisions, for example),
We have assigned these transaction/event key to each condition type that is relevant to provisions in the step Define Calculation Schema.

Select the 1st row

Select second row, it displays the usage of key in schema

6.34 Maintain Condition Table

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àConditionsà Define Price Determination Process à Maintain Condition Table
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we create custom tables, these table are used to store condition records for different condition types , for this these tables should be a part of access sequence
With help of this we can derive prices, discounts and surcharges dependent on almost all the fields in a purchasing document.
In a condition table, we specify the combination of fields for which we can create condition records.
As per SAP recommendation we should not change the condition tables that are included in the standard version of the SAP System.
Check the extent to which we can use the condition tables that are supplied with the standard SAP System, for our tables we can only choose names between 501 and 999. If we make no entry, the system will automatically assign a consecutive number.
For ITZ we have not defined any tables:
For creating new condition tables. copy a similar condition table and proceed as follows:
  • Enter the name of the table we wish to create.
  • Note that we can only choose names between 501 and 999. If we make no entry, the system will automatically assign a consecutive number.
  • Specify whether we wish to create the table with or without a validity period.
  • Enter the type of condition table (for example, transparent table).
  • Enter a description for the condition table.
  • From the list of allowed fields that are included in the field catalog and which can be extended there, choose the desired fields for the condition table.
  • Generate the new condition table.

IMP: All the fields that shall be used to pick up any condition value must be part of Header/Key field in the condition table.

6.35 Define Grid for Quantity Variances

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àStatistics àDefine Grid for Quantity Variances
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
For Purchasing information system for vendor performance the statistics is managed on the amount of quantity variances of vendors.
The delivery quantity variance specifies in percent the variance between the purchase order quantity and the quantity actually delivered.
This key figure is determined if an order item is completed and is updated for the entry date of the goods receipt or for the entry date of purchase order change.
In this step we can determine four interval limits for every purchasing organization. Five intervals are then available to we for evaluation of vendors

6.36 Define Grid for Delivery Date Variance

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àStatistics àDefine Grid for Delivery date
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Delivery date variance data is used in statistics for evaluating vendor performance.
The delivery date variance specifies the difference in days the difference between the statistically relevant delivery date and the date of the goods receipt.
This key figure is updated during the goods receipt for the entry date.
In this step we can determine four interval limits for every purchasing organization. Five intervals are then available to we for evaluation of vendors

6.37 Define Weighing keys

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àVendor Evaluation à Define Weighing keys
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In vendor evaluation criteria are weighted according to their importance through Weighing key.
For example, the overall evaluation of a vendor is calculated from the scores awarded for the main evaluation criteria "price," "quality," and "delivery." The latter comprises "on-time delivery performance" and "quantity reliability."
If we consider a vendor's price to be more important than quality, and quality to be more important than delivery, we can assign weights to the criteria in a ratio of three for price, two for quality, and one for delivery. This ratio is recorded in a weighting key.

6.38 Define Criterion (Vendor Evaluation)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àVendor Evaluation à Define Criterion
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we have defined the criteria by which the system computes scores for vendors and specify whether the scores for the subcriteria are computed manually, semi-automatically, or automatically.
Select One of the criterion and drilldown to sub criterion

6.39 Define Scope of List (Vendor Evaluation)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àVendor Evaluation à Define Scope of List
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step we define various types of list, each representing different main criteria or the same main criteria in a different order.
In the standard system, the scope-of-list parameters 'standard' and 'version 1' are supplied as an example:
  • The parameter Standard provides the user with a ranking list of vendors by overall score. The main criteria are arranged in the order "Price", "Quality", "Delivery", "General service/support” and "Externally performed service/work".
  • The parameter Version 1 yields a ranking list of vendors sorted according to the score for the main criterion "Price". Then follow the overall evaluation and the main criteria "General service/support", "Quality", "Delivery", and "Externally performed service/work".
check the details of list inside

6.40 Maintain Purchasing Organization data

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àVendor Evaluation à Maintain Purchasing Organization data
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Select a row and displays criterion for Purchasing Organization
Sub criterions for main criterion
Weighing for a Purchasing Org.
We have provided Equal Weighting to the Criteria as we have different weighing parameters for ITZ
Point scores for a Purchasing Org.

6.41 Define Permissible Partner Roles per Account Group

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPartner Determination à Partner Rolesà Define Permissible Partner Roles per Account Group
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we can specify for each account group of the vendor which roles the vendor may assume. Example we can specify that certain vendors may only serve as an ordering address, not as an invoicing party.

6.42 Define Partner Schemas (Vendor Master)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPartner Determination à Partner settings in Vendor Master recordsà Define Partner Schemas
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Partner schemas allow us to group various partner roles. We can specify that certain roles in a schema are mandatory, i.e. cannot be changed after entry.
For ITZ, Schema groups Z1 is defined
select a schema to detail the allowed partner functions

6.43 Assign Partner Schemas to Account Groups

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPartner Determination à Partner settings in Vendor Master recordsà Assign Partner Schemas to account groups
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we assign the already defined schema groups to vendor account groups

6.44 Define Partner Schemas (Purchasing Documents)

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPartner Determination à Partner settings in Purchasing documentsà Define Partner Schemas
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Partner schemas allow us to group various purchasing documents for partner determination. We can specify that certain roles in a schema are mandatory, i.e. cannot be changed after entry.
For ITZ, Schema group Z001 is defined
Select a Schema to detail the partner function allowed

6.45 Assign Partner Schemas to Document Types

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à Purchasing àPartner Determination à Partner settings in Purchasing documentsà Assign Partner Schemas to document types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we have assigned the partner schemas to the various types of purchasing document.
As a result, only the roles of the schema in question can be maintained in documents of the relevant types.

7 Materials Management – External Services Management

7.1 Define Service Category

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à External Services Managementà Service Master à Define Service Category
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define the service category.
The service category is the most important criterion for structuring
Service master records. It provides a default value for the valuation
  1. Classes. Service master records can be assigned to number ranges on the basis of the service category.

7.2 Define Number Ranges

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à External Services Managementà Service Master à Define Number Ranges
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define Number Ranges for each service category.

7.3 Define Number Range for Service Entry Sheets

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à External Services Managementà Service Master à Define Service Category
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define the service category.
The service category is the most important criterion for structuring
Service master records. It provides a default value for the valuation
  1. Classes. Service master records can be assigned to number ranges on the basis of the service category.

7.4 Define Attributes of System messages

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management à External Services Managementà Service Master à Define Service Category
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In External Services Management, a number of system messages containing important information for users may be issued. Users can process this information further.

In this step, we can define whether the SAP System
  • Suppresses this information
  • Issues it in the form of a warning
  • Issues it in the form of an error message
For ITZ requirement, additional messages no. SE 346 / 347 / 361 is activated as Error along with other additional Standard SAP Messages

8 Materials Management – Inventory Mgmt. & Physical Inventory

8.1 Plant Parameters

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Plant Parameters
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we make the general plant settings for ‘Inventory Management’. All settings are also contained in the individual steps of the Implementation Guide for Inventory Management.

  • If we have created a plant in the enterprise structure using the Copy plant function, we do not need to make any settings.
  • If we have created a plant manually, we have to create a new entry for the plant parameters.

8.2 Define Number Assignment for Accounting Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Number Assignment --> Define Number Assignment for Accounting Documents
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the number ranges for the accounting documents which are created when goods movements or inventory differences are posted.

For accounting-relevant goods movements, the system creates two different documents:
  • material document
  • accounting document
Both the material documents and the accounting documents have their own document numbers. When inventory differences are posted, the system also creates an accounting document for the physical inventory document.

In this step, we only maintain the number assignment for accounting documents.

Accounting documents are split into document types to allow differentiated document number assignment, which is the basis for distinguishing between the various accounting operations. A number range is assigned to each document type. In a company code, we have to define number intervals for each number range and fiscal year. In inventory management, the transaction determines which document type is used.

Goods Issue Document Type

TCode Transaction text Type Description
  1. Subseq. Adjustmt: Act.Ingredient Mat
WE Goods receipt
MB11 Goods Movement WA Goods issue
MB1A Goods Withdrawal WA Goods issue
MB1B Transfer Posting WA Goods issue
MB26 Picking list WA Goods issue
MBSU Place in Stor.for Mat.Doc: Init.Scrn

MIGO_GI Goods Movement WA Goods issue
MIGO_TR Transfer Posting WA Goods issue

Goods Receipt Document Type

TCode Transaction text Type Description
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO WE Goods receipt
  1. Subsequ.Adj.of "Mat.Provided"Consmp.
WE Goods receipt
MB0A Post Goods Receipt for PO WE Goods receipt
MB1C Other Goods Receipts WA Goods issue
MB31 Goods Receipt for Production Order WE Goods receipt
MBNL Subsequent Delivery f. Material Doc.

MBRL Return Delivery for Matl Document

MBSF Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. WE Goods receipt
MBSL Copy Material Document

MBST Cancel Material Document

MIGO_GO Goods Movement WE Goods receipt
MIGO_GR Goods Movement WE Goods receipt
  1. Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided
WE Goods receipt

Automatic Movements Document Type

TCode Transaction text Type Description
BMBC Batch Information Cockpit WA Goods issue
BORGR GR Automotive WE Goods receipt
BORGR_B GR Automotive: Posting WE Goods receipt
BORGR_C GR Automotive: Clearing WE Goods receipt
CAT5 Data Transfer CATS -> PS WA Goods issue
CAT9 Data Transfer CATS -> PM/CS WA Goods issue
CIP2 CC2: Update PDC messages WA Goods issue
CIP3 CC3: Update PDC messages WA Goods issue
CIP4 CC4: Update PDC messages WA Goods issue
CIP5 CC5: Update PDC messages WA Goods issue
CIPV Posting PDC records WA Goods issue

Physical Inventory Document Type

TCode Transaction text Type Description
MI07 Process List of Differences WI Inventory document
MI08 Create List of Differences with Doc. WI Inventory document
MI10 Create List of Differences w/o Doc. WI Inventory document

8.3 Define Number Assignment for Material and Physical Inventory Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Number Assignment --> Define Number Assignment for Material and Phys.Inv Documents
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we maintain the number assignment for the following documents:
  • material documents
  • physical inventory documents
The number assignment for these documents is not to be confused with the number assignment for accounting documents which we completed in the step Define number assignment for accounting documents. The number assignment for accounting documents depends on the document type which is allocated to the transaction.

The number assignment for material documents and physical inventory documents depends on the transaction/event type which is also allocated to each transaction in Inventory Management. The transaction/event types are divided into groups of number ranges. A number range interval has to be defined for each group.

No From no. To number Status Ext
01 0100000000 0199999999 0

02 4900000000 4999999999 4900002419

03 5000000000 5999999999 5000000219

04 0200000000 0299999999 0

We cannot change the transaction/event types. However, we can change the number range intervals or we can allocate transaction/event types to new groups.

SPRO-> IMG-> Materials Management-> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory-> Number Assignment-> Define Number Assignment for Material and Phys. Inv. Docs
Her you ned to maintain the number ranges for the group attched to the key.

If you want to maintain new number range intervals for an existing group:
a) Choose Group -> Maintain.
b) Select a group and choose Interval -> Maintain.
c) Choose Edit -> Insert year.
d) Maintain the number interval for the new fiscal year.

8.4 Define Number Assignment for Reservations

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Number Assignment --> Define Number Assignment for Reservations
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set up number assignment for reservations.
The number assignment applies to all plants in the client.

If we create reservations with method CreateFromData1 (function module BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1), we can use the number range RB for an external number assignment.

8.5 Field Selection for Goods Movement/Initial Header Screens

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Field Selection for Goods Movement/Header Screens
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define the field selection for goods movements initial and header screens.
Note that the field selection for the item screens depends on the movement type and is configured in separate steps.

In this step, we specify whether the fields are input, mandatory, display or hidden.

8.6 Field Selection for MIGO

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Settings for Enjoy Transactions --> Settings for Goods Movements --> Field Selection for MIGO
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Here we can:
  • Hide the header data completely or hide particular fields that we do not require
  • Hide pushbuttons that we do not require
  • Define the Delivery note and Bill of lading fields as mandatory entries if we use evaluated receipt settlement
  • Show the GR/GI slip (GOHEAD-XABLN) field if we use GR/GI slip numbers (only necessary in certain countries)
  • Show the Plant (GODYNPRO-PO_WERKS) field if we require the ordering-plant name for purchase-order-related goods movements as a selection criterion in addition to the purchase order number and item number
Hide the print indicator if we do not want to print out GR/GI slips in Inventory Management

8.7 Field Selection per Movement Type

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Settings for Enjoy Transactions --> Settings for Goods Movements --> Field Selection per Mvt Type
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we maintain all the settings for field selection by movement type. This step replaces the activity Define Screen Layout for the Enjoy transactions. The settings from Define Screen Layout are adopted in these settings automatically so that we do not need to maintain new entries here.

We can specify for each field whether it is an optional entry or a mandatory entry. In the table, we see all fields that are visible. We can access the setting Field Invisible by deleting the appropriate entry from the table.

There is no distinction between different special stock indicators in these entries. Special stock fields are always suppressed automatically.

8.8 Settings for Transactions and Reference Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Settings for Enjoy Transactions --> Settings for Goods Movements --> Settings for Transactions and Reference Documents
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
We can limit the number of selectable transactions (goods receipt, goods issue, and so on) and reference documents (material document, delivery note), and we can specify the movement type that the system is to propose for every reference document.

If we need only certain transactions (for example, goods receipts or goods issues), we can choose from the following preset transactions:

MIGO - Used to enter all goods receipts.
MIGO_GR - Used to enter goods receipts from external procurement.
MIGO_GO - Used to enter goods receipts for production orders.
MIGO_GI - Used to enter goods issues.

We can always display material documents.

Transaction MIGO; Actions Mentioned in the table

Action Active Action Active



A09 X
A03 X A10

A04 X A11



A07 X

Reference Document Types (For details go to the path mentioned)

  1. Ref.
Active MvT
  1. Ref.
Active MvT
R01 X
R02 X

R04 X
R03 X


R01 X

R08 X

R09 X
R08 X
R10 X

R09 X

R10 X
R10 X
R02 X

R10 X
R03 X

R02 X

R02 X

R10 X
R02 X

R01 X

R02 X

8.9 Create Storage Location Automatically

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings--> Create Storage Location Automatically
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we specify whether the automatic creation of storage location data is allowed for goods issues and transfer postings.

This is advisable if we work with negative stocks and a material's first movement may be an outward movement.

Note that the reversal movement for a goods issue, for example, movement type 202 or 262, is not considered as an issue but as a receipt. If we only use the automatic creation of storage location data for reversals of goods issues, we do not have to allow negative stocks.
We have to allow automatic creation per plant first of all. We then have to explicitly allow the creation of storage location data for each movement type.

The storage location data is only created if the quantity is posted to 'standard' storage location stock. It is not created for receipts into a special stock (for example, into sales order stock).We are using standard movement types for automatic Storage Location Creation

8.10       Set Manual Account Assignment

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings--> Set Manual Account Assignment
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In the R/3 System, account assignment is predefined via the automatic account determination facility.

When we enter material movements that are assigned to a cost account, we can enter the account number manually. In doing so, we change the account assignment predefined as offsetting entry for inventory posting.

MvT Acct MvT Acct

309 -

310 -

311 -
301 - 312 -
302 - 313 -
303 - 314 -
304 - 317 -

8.11       Define Screen Layout

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings--> Define Screen Layout
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the field selection for the movement types including goods issues and transfer postings.

When creating a goods movement, the field selection determines which fields
  • can be filled ( optional entry)
  • must be filled (required entry)
  • are suppressed fields

In Inventory Management, the field selection depends on the movement type.

The field selection defined for a movement type is valid for entering goods movements and reservations.


We do not maintain the input features of the G/L account and Reason fields here, but in the following steps:
  • Manual account assignment (for the G/L account field)
  • Reason (for the Reason field)
The field selection for the movement type must correspond with the following field selections:
  • field status definition of the G/L account to which postings are made (through the field status group)
  • field selection of the posting key
We must take care that a mandatory entry in the G/L account is also defined as a mandatory entry for the movement type.

8.12       Maintain Copy Rules for Reference Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings--> Maintain Copy Rules for Reference Documents
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure whether the items of the reference document are proposed as selected on the item selection list when entering a document with reference, or not.

The user can delete the check marks manually on the item selection list if she/he does not want to adopt some items.

TCode Transaction text Prsl
MB11 Goods Movement X
MB1A Goods Withdrawal X
MB1B Transfer Posting X

8.13       Set up Dynamic Availability Check

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings --> Set up Dynamic Availability Check
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure the dynamic availability check.

In Inventory Management, two types of availability check are carried out.
  • availability check during the entry of reservations
  • availability check during the entry of goods movements

The system checks whether the material to be withdrawn is available and issues a message, if necessary.

The availability check is only carried out if:
  • the material master record contains a checking group for the availability check (MRP data)
  • a checking rule is assigned to the transaction in Customizing

We can define
  • for each movement type which type of message is issued (object Movement type)
  • which checking rules are supported (object Checking rule)
  • per checking group and checking rule: which objects (documents, stocks, material requirements) are included in the availability check (object Define checking rule)
  • per transaction of Inventory Management: which checking rule applies (object Transaction codes)

  1. Val.
Qty update S Mvt Rec Cns Av








201 X

201 X X

201 X X K

201 X X P





202 X

202 X X

202 X X K

202 X X P


















This is an indicative table.

Checking Rule

ChR Description of checking rule
01 Checking rule 01
02 Checking rule 02
03 Checking rule 03
A SD order
AE SD order; make-to-order stock
AQ SD order; project stock
AV SD order; returnable packaging
AW SD order; consignment
B SD delivery
BB SD delivery; customer stock
BE SD delivery; make-to-order stock
BO Backorder processing
BQ SD delivery; project stock
BV SD delivery; returnable packaging
BW SD delivery; consignment

Define Checking Rule

Transaction Codes

TCode Transaction text ChR Checking rule
CO27 Picking list

MB11 Goods Movement

MB1A Goods Withdrawal 03 Checking rule 03
MB1B Transfer Posting

MB26 Picking list

MIGO_GI Goods Movement

MIGO_TR Transfer Posting

8.14       Generate Physical Inventory Documents for Goods Movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Issue/Transfer Postings -->Generate Physical Inventory Documents for Goods Movements
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define for each plant and movement type whether a physical inventory document is automatically generated when posting a goods movement.

We can create a physical inventory document in addition to the material document at the time of a goods movement. This function is important when inventory differences are posted from the Warehouse Management System. These inventory differences are thereby documented in Inventory Management with a physical inventory document.

In order to create an inventory document in addition to a material document for a goods movement, the following conditions must be met:

In the plant, we must define the transaction/event type WV for automatically generated physical inventory documents.
We must define the document number assignment for this transaction/event type.
Automatic generation of physical inventory documents must be allowed for the movement type.

MvT Idoc
717 X
718 X

The above list is indicative

8.15       Check Tolerance Limits

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Set Tolerance Limits
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the tolerance limits for goods receipts.

When processing a goods receipt, the system checks each item to determine whether the goods receipt varies from the purchase order or the material master data.

The different types of variances are defined by tolerance keys. For each tolerance key, tolerance limits can be set per company code.

The following variances are checked in Inventory Management:

  • Variance in the purchase order price quantity
For this variance, two tolerance keys are provided:
    • Tolerance key B1 (error message)
    • We use tolerance key B1 to define the maximum percentage variance. If the variance is greater than the maximum variance, the system creates an error message. The user cannot post the goods receipt.
    • Tolerance key B2 (warning message)
    • Tolerance key B2 defines the percentage variance from which a warning message is to be issued. It is possible to post the goods receipt.
  • Variance for the moving average price of the material
We use tolerance key VP to define the percentage variance from which a warning message is issued. This warning message indicates a price change.

8.16       Create Storage Locations Automatically

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Create Storage Locations Automatically
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we specify whether the automatic creation of storage location data is allowed for goods receipts.

This is advisable if we want to post a goods receipt without having to maintain the storage location view of the material master record in advance.

We have to allow automatic creation per plant first of all. We then have to explicitly allow the creation of storage location data for each movement type.

The storage location data is only created if the quantity is posted to 'standard' storage location stock. It is not created for receipts into a special stock (for example, into sales order stock).

8.17       Set Manual Account Assignment

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Set Manual Account Assignment
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In the R/3 System, account assignment is predefined via the automatic account determination facility.

When we enter goods receipts which are assigned to a cost account, we can enter the account manually. In doing so, we change the account assignment predefined as offsetting entry for inventory posting.

8.18       Define Screen Layout

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Define Screen Layout
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the field selection for the goods receipt movement types.

When entering a goods receipt, the field selection controls which fields (account assignment fields) are
  • ready for input ( optional entry fields)
  • have to be filled (required entry fields)
  • suppressed fields

In Inventory Management, the field selection depends on the movement type.

8.19       Maintain Copy Rules for Reference Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Maintain Copy Rules for Reference Documents
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure whether the items of the reference document are proposed as selected on the item selection list when entering a document with reference, or not.

The user can delete the check marks manually on the item selection list if she/he does not want to adopt some items.

TCode Transaction text Prsl
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO X
MB0A Post Goods Receipt for PO X
MB1C Other Goods Receipts X
MB31 Goods Receipt for Production Order X
MBRL Return Delivery for Matl Document X
MBSF Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. X
MBSL Copy Material Document X
MBST Cancel Material Document X

8.20       Set Dynamic Availability Check

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Set Dynamic Availability Check
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure the dynamic availability check.

In Inventory Management, two types of availability check are carried out.
  • availability check during the entry of reservations
  • availability check during the entry of goods movements
The system checks whether the material to be withdrawn is available and issues a message, if necessary.

Movement Type

  1. Val.update
Qty update S Mvt Rec Cns Av












101 X


101 X



101 X



101 X


101 X


101 X


101 X X


101 X X



Checking Rule

ChR Description of checking rule
01 Checking rule 01
02 Checking rule 02
03 Checking rule 03
A SD order
AE SD order; make-to-order stock
AQ SD order; project stock
AV SD order; returnable packaging
AW SD order; consignment
B SD delivery
BB SD delivery; customer stock
BE SD delivery; make-to-order stock
BO Backorder processing
BQ SD delivery; project stock
BV SD delivery; returnable packaging
BW SD delivery; consignment
Transaction Code

TCode Transaction text ChR Checking rule
MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO

MB0A Post Goods Receipt for PO

MB1C Other Goods Receipts 03 Checking rule 03
MB31 Goods Receipt for Production Order 03 Checking rule 03
MBNL Subsequent Delivery f. Material Doc. 03 Checking rule 03
MBRL Return Delivery for Matl Document

MBSF Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc.

MBSL Copy Material Document 03 Checking rule 03
MBST Cancel Material Document

MIGO_GO Goods Movement

MIGO_GR Goods Movement

8.21       Set “Delivery Completed” Indicator

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Set “Delivery Completed” Indicator
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we can define that the R/3 System automatically suggests
  • the delivery completed indicator for goods receipts if the delivered quantity lies within the under/over-delivery tolerance

The "delivery completed" indicator has the following effects:
  • The item is regarded as closed, even if the total quantity was not delivered.
  • A further delivery is not expected, may, however, arrive.
  • In the next goods receipt, the item appears on the selection list but has no selection indicator.
  • The item can be reorganized even if the total quantity has not been delivered.

Even if the "delivery completed" indicator has not been set, an item is considered closed once the total quantity has been delivered. This means that the "delivery completed" indicator is not necessary in this case.

8.22       Set Expiration Date Check

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Goods Receipt  --> Set Expiration Date Check
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the material shelf life expiration date check for goods receipts for each plant and movement type.

The shelf life expiration date of a material can only be entered if:
  • the minimum remaining shelf life is maintained in the material master record
  • The minimum remaining shelf life is the time the material must still be usable, so that the goods receipt is accepted by the system. We can define the time unit the system uses in the storage data of the material master record in the ‘Period indicator’ field.
  • the shelf life expiration date check is active in the plant
  • the shelf life expiration date check is active for the movement type
No expiration date check has been activated for ITZ.

8.23       Create Storage Location automatically for automatic movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Automatic Movements --> Create Storage Locations automatically
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we specify whether the automatic creation of storage location data is allowed for automatic goods movements.

This is advisable for goods movements via Shipping or when we post physical inventory differences, for example.

We have to allow automatic creation per plant first of all. We then have to explicitly allow the creation of storage location data for each movement type.

The storage location data is only created if the quantity is posted to 'standard' storage location stock. It is not created for receipts into a special stock (for example, into sales order stock).

8.24       Set manual account assignment for automatic movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Automatic Movements --> Set manual account assignment for automatic movements
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
Maintenance of this indicator is only useful in conjunction with movements for which a G/L account can be entered or is provided by the calling program.

In the R/3 System, account assignment is predefined via the automatic account determination facility.

When we enter material movements that are assigned to a cost account, we can enter the account number manually. In doing so, we change the account assignment predefined as offsetting entry for inventory posting.

MvT Acct MvT Acct





603 -
340 - 604 -
341 - 621 -
342 - 622 -
543 - 623 -
544 - 624 -
545 - 631 -
546 - 632 -

8.25       Define Screen Layout for automatic movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Automatic Movements --> Define Screen Layout
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we set the screen Layout for automatic movement types.

8.26       Generate Physical Inventory Documents for Goods Movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Automatic Movements --> Generate Physical Inventory Documents for Goods Movements
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we define for each plant and movement type whether a physical inventory document is created automatically when a goods movement is posted.

In conjunction with automatic movements, please also note that this indicator is not set for goods movements which are created from within a physical inventory since, in this case, the physical inventory document already exists. This applies to movement types 701 to 708.

8.27       Define Default Values for Reservations

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Reservations  --> Define Default Values
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we specify the default values for the following functions for each plant:
  • allow goods movements for reservations
  • delete reservations
  • create storage-location stock data automatically for reservations
Allow movements for reservations
We can only post a goods movement with reference to a reservation if the Movement allowed indicator is set in the reservation item.

We are not using Reservations for ITZ.

Delete reservations
The management program sets the deletion indicator for reservation items whose requirements date is earlier than the number of days specified here.

Create storage-location stock data automatically for reservations
When this indicator is set, the storage-location stock data is automatically created when a reservation is posted. This applies both to planned outward movements and planned receipts.

8.28       Maintain Copy Rules for Reference Documents

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Reservations  --> Define Default Values
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure whether the items of the reference document are proposed as selected on the item selection list when entering a document with reference, or not.

The user can delete the check marks manually on the item selection list if she/he does not want to adopt some items

8.29       Set Dynamic Availability Check for Reservations

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Reservations  --> Set Dynamic Availability Check
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we configure the dynamic availability check.

In Inventory Management, two types of availability check are carried out.
  • availability check during the entry of reservations
  • availability check during the entry of goods movements
The system checks whether the material to be withdrawn is available and issues a message, if necessary.

TCode Transaction text ChR Checking rule
MB21 Create Reservation 03 Checking rule 03
MB22 Change Reservation 03 Checking rule 03

8.30       Default Values for Physical Inventory

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Physical Inventory --> Default Values for Physical Inventory
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we specify the following default values for physical inventory for each plant:

Pre-settings for entering physical inventory documents
  • the stock type (unrestricted-use, in quality inspection, blocked)
  • the indicator for batch determination (in the foreground or in the background)
  • the unit of entry (stock keeping unit or unit of issue)
These indicators are suggested as default values when we enter a physical inventory document. But we can also change them there.

Pre-settings for entering physical inventory documents
  • Reason for inventory difference
  • The default value we specify here is only displayed when we enter an inventory difference without reference to the corresponding document. But we can also change the default value here.
We only see this field when we enter inventory differences if we have activated it in the step Field selection for physical inventory.

8.31       Record Reasons for Goods Movements

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Movement Types  --> Record Reasons for Goods Movements
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we can carry out the following for each movement type:
  • maintain the input status of the Reason field
  • store a key that gives a reason for the movement (for example, reason for return delivery) and a corresponding text.
When we enter a goods movement, we can only enter reasons which have been defined for the movement type here.

8.32       Copy, Change Movement Types

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Movement Types  --> Copy, Change Movement Types
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In this step, we can
  • change the setting of existing movement types
  • define new movement types
When we enter a goods movement, we must always enter the movement type. The movement type has important control functions in Inventory Management. It is essential for
  • updating the quantity fields
  • updating the stock and consumption accounts
  • selection of the fields used for entering documents
  • printing goods receipt/issue slips

9 Materials Management – Valuation and Account Assignment

9.1 Split Valuation

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Valuation and Account Assignment --> Split Valuation --> Activate Split Valuation
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
You configure whether split valuation is allowed at your company. If you generally allow split valuation, this does not mean that you must valuate each material on this basis. You decide whether to do so or not for a particular material when creating the material master record.

9.2 Configure Split Valuation

Menu path
  1. Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) --> Materials Management --> Valuation and Account Assignment --> Split Valuation --> Configure Split Valuation
Transaction Code

Configuration Description
In split valuation, we can distinguish between partial stocks of a material according to certain criteria and valuate them separately.
  • The material stock is divided according to valuation category and valuation type:
  • The valuation category determines how the partial stocks are divided, that is, according to which criteria.
  • The valuation type describes the characteristics of the individual stocks.
  • With the function "Setting" we can determine:
    • which valuation categories exist in our company (global categories)
    • which valuation types exist in our company (global types)
    • which valuation types belong to which valuation category
    • which valuation categories exist in a valuation area (local categories)
To select split valuation, proceed as follows:
  1. 1. Determine the valuation categories and valuation types that are allowed for all valuation areas:
    • Global valuation categories via menu "Goto --> Global Categories"
    • Global valuation types via menu "Goto --> Global Types"
  1. 2. Allocate the valuation types to the valuation categories.
a) Select "Goto --> Global Categories".
b) Position the cursor on a valuation category and select "Goto --> Global Categories --> Allocations --> Types->Category".
c) Activate the valuation types you want.

  1. 3. Determine the local valuation categories for each valuation area.
a) Select "Goto --> Local definitions".
b) Position the cursor on a valuation area and select "Goto --> Local Definitions --> Allocate Categories->Org.units". You obtain a list of the global valuation categories.
c) Activate the categories to be used in this valuation area.
The system creates the local valuation types based on the allocations under point 2.

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