Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Authorization Control in CJ20N

There are multiple options to control who can access which project through CJ20N. Some of them could be:
1. Project Profile
2. Profit Centre
3. Project Type etc.

List of Auth codes that are checked for CJ20n are as follows:.

A_A_VIEW         Asset: View
A_IMPR_APS       Approval Level for Versions (Program Planning)
A_IMPR_BUK       Company Codes for Investment Program Positions
A_IMPR_GSB       Business Areas for Investment Program Positions
A_IMPR_KOK       Controlling Areas for Investment Program Positions
A_IMPR_PRC       Profit Center for Investment Program Positions
A_IMTP_ART       Program Type for Investment Programs
A_S_ANLKL        Asset Master Data Maint: Company Code/Asset Class
A_S_GSBER        Asset Master Data Maintenance: Company Code/Business Area
A_S_KOSTL        Asset Master Record Maintenance: Company Code/Cost Center
A_S_WERK         Asset Master Data Maintenance: Company Code/Plant
B_USERST_T       Status Management: Set/Delete User Status using Transaction
B_USERSTAT       Status Management: Set/Delete User Status
C_AENR_BGR       CC Change Master - Authorization Group
C_AENR_ERW       CC Eng. Chg. Mgmt. Enhanced Authorization Check
C_AFKO_ACT       Activities on network header level
C_AFKO_ATY       CIM: Order category
C_AFKO_AWK       CIM: Plant for order type of order
C_AFKO_DIS       Network: MRP Group (Plant) and Transaction Type
C_AFRU_APL       Confirmation: Authorization for actual work center
C_AFVG_APL       PS: Work Center for Network Activities and Activity Elements
C_AFVG_TYP       PS: Activity types for network act. and activity elements
C_ARPL_WRK       CIM: Work center- plant
C_CABN           Authorization for Characteristics Maintenance
C_CSCR_ACT       PS: Activities for Flexible Detail Display
C_DRAD_OBJ       Create/Change/Display/Delete Object Link
C_DRAW_BGR       Authorization for authorization groups
C_DRAW_DOK       Authorization for document access
C_DRAW_MUP       Authorization for Markups
C_DRAW_STA       Authorization for document status
C_DRAW_TCD       Authorization for document activities
C_DRAW_TCS       Status-Dependent Authorizations for Documents
C_KLAH_BKL       Authorization for Classification
C_KLAH_BKP       Authorization for Class Maintenance
C_LOVC_DSG       Interface Design
C_MLST_BGR       PS: Milestones (Authorization Group)
C_PPBD           Authorizations for Planned Independent Requirements
C_PROJ_KOK       PS: Controlling Area for Project Definition
C_PROJ_PRC       PS: Profit center for project definition
C_PROJ_TCD       PS: Transaction-Specific Authorizations in Project System
C_PROJ_VNR       PS: Project Manager for Project Definition
C_PRPS_ART       PS: Project type authorization for WBS elements
C_PRPS_KOK       PS: Controlling Area Authorization for WBS elements
C_PRPS_KST       PS: Cost Center Authorization for WBS elements
C_PRPS_PRC       PS: Profit Center Authorization for WBS elements
C_PRPS_VNR       PS: Project Manager Authorization for WBS elements
C_PSTX_ART       PS: Text Type Authorization for PS Texts
C_SIMU_BGR       PS: Simulation (Authorization Group)
C_STUE_BER       CS BOM Authorizations
C_STUE_WRK       CS BOM Plant (Plant Assignments)
C_TCLA_BKA       Authorization for Class Types
C_TCLS_BER       Authorization for Org. Areas in Classification System
C_TCLS_MNT       Authorization for Characteristics of Org. Area
CPE_SETTIN       Commodity Pricing Engine: General Settings
F_FICA_FPG       Funds Management: Authorization Group for Commitment Item
F_FICA_FTR       Funds Management FM Account Assignment
F_FICB_FKR       Cash Budget Management/Funds Management FM Area
FI_GEB_BUK       Real Estate: Building - Auth. for CoCd/business entity
FI_GRU_BUK       Real Estate: property - Author.for CoCd/business entity
FI_WEI_BUK       Real Estate: Business entity - Authoriz. for CoCd/BE
G_800_GRP        Report Writer: Report
G_803J_GJB       Report Writer: Report Group
K_CKBS           CO-PC: Base Planning Objects
K_KEKO           CO-PC: Product Costing
K_ORDER          CO-OPA: General authorization object for internal orders
K_REPO_OPA       CO-OPA: Reporting on Orders
K_VRGNG          CO: Bus. Trans., Actual Postings and Plan/act. Allocations
K_ZKALSM         CO: Costing sheet
M_BANF_BSA       Document Type in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_EKG       Purchasing Group in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_EKO       Purchasing Organization in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_WRK       Plant in Purchase Requisition
M_BEST_BSA       Document Type in Purchase Order
M_BEST_EKG       Purchasing Group in Purchase Order
M_BEST_EKO       Purchasing Organization in Purchase Order
M_BEST_WRK       Plant in Purchase Order
M_MRES_BWA       Reservations: Movement Type
M_MRES_WWA       Reservations: Plant
M_MSEG_BWA       Goods Movements: Movement Type
M_MSEG_WWA       Goods Movements: Plant
P_ORGIN          HR: Master Data
P_PERNR          HR: Master Data - Personnel Number Check
P_TCODE          HR: Transaction codes
PLOG             Personnel Planning
S_ADMI_FCD       System Authorizations
S_ALV_LAYO       ALV Standard Layout
S_BDS_D          BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Accessing Documents
S_BDS_DS         BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Document Set
S_BTCH_ADM       Background Processing: Background Administrator
S_BTCH_JOB       Background Processing: Operations on Background Jobs
S_CTS_ADMI       Administration Functions in Change and Transport System
S_DATASET        Authorization for file access
S_DEVELOP        ABAP Workbench
S_DOKU_AUT       SE61 Documentation Maintenance Authorization
S_GUI            Authorization for GUI activities
S_HIERARCH       Hierarchy maintenance authorization check
S_IDOCCTRL       WFEDI: S_IDOCCTRL - General Access to IDoc Functions
S_OC_DOC         SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents
S_OC_ROLE        SAPoffice: Office User Attribute
S_OC_SEND        Authorization Object for Sending
S_PACKSTRU       Internal SAP Use: Package Structure
S_PRO_AUTH       IMG: New authorizations for projects
S_PROGRAM        ABAP: Program Flow Checks
S_PROJECT        Project Management: Project authorization
S_RFC            Authorization Check for RFC Access
S_SPO_DEV        Spool: Device authorizations
S_TABU_CLI       Cross-Client Table Maintenance
S_TABU_DIS       Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30)
S_TCODE          Transaction Code Check at Transaction Start
S_TRANSLAT       Translation environment authorization object
S_TRANSPRT       Transport Organizer
S_USER_GRP       User Master Maintenance: User Groups
S_WFAR_OBJ       ArchiveLink: Authorizations for access to documents
V_VBAK_AAT       Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Document Types
V_VBAK_VKO       Sales Document: Authorization for Sales Areas

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