Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Planned Cost and Budget - RPSCO Table Details

For Plan Cost:

(1) In case of the manual Cost Planning for (WBS Elements):

  For Plan Cost of individual WBS; we should pass WBS as input to PRPS-PSPNR and obtain the PRPS-OBJNR. After fetching the PRPS-OBJNR, pass this value to RPSCO-OBJNR with value type RPSCO-WRTTP = 1 and get Plan cost for WBS by adding the value obtained in the following fields of RPSCO table WLP00, WLP01, WLP16.

(2) In case of the Network Costing:

  For Plan Cost of network activity (NWA); we should pass the network number to AFKO-AUFNR and obtain AFKO-AUFPL. Pass AFKO-AUFPL to AFVC-AUFPL and obtain AFVC-OBJNR (object number for NWA). After fetching the AFVC-OBJNR, pass this value to RPSCO-OBJNR with value type RPSCO-WRTTP = 1 and get Plan cost for NWA by adding the value obtained in the following fields of RPSCO table WLP00, WLP01, WLP16

For Budget:

  In PS we have annual budget and overall budget. It is governed by Budget Profile defined in the Project.
 The budget profile can be configured in three different ways:
   # Only annual budget.
   # Overall Budget.
   # Annual + Overall Budget (If this is the case then user has to maintain overall budget)
 When the project has only annual budget then use table BPJA
 When the project has only overall budget then use table BPGE
 The best way to handle all the cases is first see BPJA table if you find values then populate your report by annual values. If the table is empty then select the value for that project in BPGE table.
where as the BPEJ and BPEG will give the document numbers posted while assigning the budget Annually and Overall respectively.

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