Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tcodes in SAP Project System Part 1

Here is a list of PS transactions. (Excluding the S_ALR** series(reports) 

CJ** are mainly Project Definition and WBS related,
CN** are mainly Network and activity related and the
OP** are mainly PS Configuration / Customization related.
CJ01    Create Work Breakdown Structure
CJ02    Change Work Breakdown Structure
CJ03    Display Work Breakdown Structure
CJ06    Create Project Definition
CJ07    Change Project Definition
CJ08    Display Project Definition
CJ11    Create WBS Element
CJ12    Change WBS Element
CJ13    Display WBS Element
CJ14    Display WBS Element (From DMS)
CJ20    Structure planning
CJ20N   Project Builder
CJ21    Change Basic Dates
CJ22    Display Basic Dates
CJ23    Change Forecast Dates
CJ24    Display Forecast Dates
CJ25    Change Actual Dates
CJ26    Display Actual Dates
CJ27    Project planning board
CJ29    Update WBS (Forecast)
CJ2A    Display structure planning
CJ2B    Change project planning board
CJ2C    Display project planning board
CJ2D    Structure planning
CJ30    Change Project Original Budget
CJ31    Display Project Original Budget
CJ32    Change Project Release
CJ33    Display Project Release
CJ34    Project Budget Transfer
CJ35    Budget Return from Project
CJ36    Budget Supplement to Project
CJ37    Budget Supplement in Project
CJ38    Budget Return in Project
CJ3A    Change Budget Document
CJ3B    Display Budget Document
CJ40    Change Project Plan
CJ41    Display Project Plan
CJ42    Change Project Revenues
CJ43    Display Project Revenues
CJ44    Act. overhd: Projects, ind. process.
CJ45    Act. ovhd: Projects, coll. process.
CJ46    Plnd ovrhd: Projects, ind. process.
CJ47    Pld Overhead: Projects, Coll.Procssg
CJ48    Change Payment Planning: Init.Screen
CJ49    Display Payment Planning: Init.Scrn
CJ70    Maintain Project Settlement LIs
CJ72    Project: Act. amt. line item settlmt
CJ74    Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJ76    Project Commitment Line Items
CJ7E    Plan Data Transfer: Projects
CJ7G    Plan Data Transfer: Projects
CJ7M    Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJ7N    Maint. DRG inv.projects for retmt.
CJ80    Availability Control - Overview
CJ81    Update Report List
CJ88    Settle Projects and Networks
CJ8A    Act.-setlmt: Proj. retirmt. from IM
CJ8G    Actual Settlement: Projects/Networks
CJ8V    Period Close for Project Selection
CJ91    Create Standard WBS
CJ92    Change Standard WBS
CJ93    Display Standard WBS
CJ9B    Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Collective)
CJ9B_OLD        Copy Project Cost Planning (old)
CJ9BS   Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Indiv.)
CJ9C    Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Collective)
CJ9C_OLD        Copy Project Revenue Planning (old)
CJ9CS   Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Indiv.)
CJ9D    Copy Plan Versions
CJ9E    Plan Settlement: Projects
CJ9ECP  Project System: Easy Cost Planning
CJ9F    Copy Project Costing (Collective)
CJ9FS   Copy Project Costing (Indiv.)
CJ9G    Plan Settlement: Projects
CJ9K    Network Costing
CJ9L    Forecast Costs: Individual Projects
CJ9M    Forecast Costs: Coll.Project Proc.
CJ9Q    Integrated Planning for Ntwks(Coll.)
CJ9QS   Integrated Planning for Ntwks (Ind.)
CJA1    Proj.Rel.Order Receipts: Coll.Proc.
CJA2    Proj.Rel. Order Receipts: Ind.Proc.
CJAL    Send project
CJB1    Generate Settmt Rule: Coll.Proc.
CJB2    Generate Settmt Rule: Indiv.Proc.
CJBBS1  Planning Board Report Assignment
CJBBS2  Structure Overview Report Asst
CJBN    Reconstruct Availability Control
CJBV    Activate Project Availabilty Control
CJBW    Deactivate Project Availabilty Cntrl
CJC1    Maintenance Dialog for Per.
CJC2    Maintain Planned Status Changes
CJCD    Change documents: WBS
CJCF    Carry Forward Project Commitments
CJCO    Carry Forward Project Budget
CJCS    Standard WBS
CJE0    Run Hierarchy Report
CJE1    Create Hierarchy Report
CJE2    Change Hierarchy Report
CJE3    Display Hierarchy Report
CJE4    Create Project Report Layout
CJE5    Change Project Report Layout
CJE6    Display Project Report Layout
CJEA    Call Hierarchy Report
CJEB    Background Processing, Hier.Reports
CJEC    Maintain Project Crcy Trans.Type
CJEK    Copy Interfaces/Reports
CJEM    Project Reports: Test Monitor
CJEN    Reconstruct: Summarized Proj.Data
CJEO    Transport Reports
CJEP    Transport Forms
CJEQ    Import Reports from Client
CJET    Translation Tool - Drilldown
CJEV    Maintain Global Variable
CJEX    Reorganize Drilldown Reports
CJEY    Reorganize Report Data
CJEZ    Reorganize Forms
CJF1    Create Transfer Price Agreement
CJF2    Change Transfer Price Agreement
CJF3    Display Transfer Price Agreement
CJF4    Transfer Price Agreement List
CJFA    Analysis of Data Trans. into PS Cash
CJFN    CBM Payment Converter
CJG1    Enter Transfer Price Allocation
CJG3    Display Transfer Price Allocation
CJG4    Enter Trsfr Price Allocation: List
CJG5    Cancel Transfer Price Allocation
CJH1    Reconstruct Project Inheritance
CJH2    Project Inheritance Log
CJI1    Project Budget Line Items
CJI2    Budget Line Items: Document Chain
CJI3    Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJI4    Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJI5    Project Commitment Line Items
CJI8    Project Budget Line Items
CJI9    Project Struct.Pld Costs Line Items
CJIA    Project Actual and Commt Paymt LIs
CJIB    Project Plan Payment Line Items
CJIC    Maintain Project Settlement LIs
CJID    Display Project Settlement Line Itms
CJIE    Projects: Retirement LI Settlement
CJIF    Projects: Profitability Analysis LI
CJIG    Display PS Cash Documents
CJJ2    Change Statistical Key Figures
CJJ3    Display Statistical Key Figures
CJK2    Change Statistical Key Figures
CJK3    Display Statistical Key Figures
CJL2    Collective Agreement
CJN1    Reval.    ACT:  Projects    Ind.Pro.
CJN2    Reval.    ACT:  Projects    Col.Pro.
CJNO    Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR
CJO8    Overhead  COMM: Projects    Ind.Pro.
CJO9    Overhead  COMM: Projects    Col.Pro.
CJP1    Create Project Plan Adjustment
CJP2    Change Project Plan Adjustment
CJP3    Display Project Plan Adjustment
CJP4    Delete Project Plan Adjustment
CJPN    Number Range Maintenance: Proj.Items
CJPU    Execute Project Plan Adjustment
CJR2    PS: Change plan CElem/Activ. input
CJR3    PS: Display plan CElem/Activ. input
CJR4    PS: Change plan primary cost element
CJR5    PS: Display plan primary cost elem.
CJR6    PS: Change activity input planning
CJR7    PS: Display activity input planning
CJR8    PS: Change revenue type planning
CJR9    PS: Display Revenue Element Planning
CJS2    PS: Change stat. key figure planning
CJS3    PS: Display stat. key fig. planning
CJS4    PS: Change stat. key figure planning
CJS5    PS: Display stat. key fig. planning
CJSA    Data Transfer to SAP-EIS
CJSB    Select Key Figure and Characteristic
CJSG    Generate WBS Element Group
CJSN    Number Range Maintenance: Projects
CJT2    Project Actual Payment Line Items
CJV1    Create project version (simulation)
CJV2    Change project version (simulation)
CJV3    Display project version (simulation)
CJV4    Transfer project
CJV5    Delete simulation version
CJV6    Maintenance: Version administration
CJV7    Display transfer log
CJVC    Value Category Checking Program
CJW1    EURO: Adjust Project Budget
CJZ1    Act. Int Calc.: Projects Coll. Proc.
CJZ2    Actual Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc.
CJZ3    Plan Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc.
CJZ5    Plan Int.Calc.: Project Coll.Prc.
CJZ6    Actual Int.Calc.: Indiv.CO Order Prc
CJZ7    Planned Int.Calc: Indiv.CO Ord.Proc.
CJZ8    Actual Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.
CJZ9    Plan Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.

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