Thursday, April 18, 2013

Using Validations in PS


The purpose of this blog is to help the beginners in creating validation in Project system, also it lists some examples of the commonly used validations with prerequsities and checks.


SAP Help explains validation as a check of values or combination of values in the SAP environment. In the Std SAP System almost all data’s are validated against some tables or master datas. In addition to SAP defined validation, a user can define his own set of validation to carry out project specific checks.
A validation has three areas, Pre-requisites, Checks & Messages.


It is the statement which determines whether validation should be carried out or not. If the statement is true, then system proceeds to check area otherwise allows the transaction.


This is the condition which is to be validated. If the statement is true, then the transaction continues, but if the statement is false, the system displays the message.


This is the message which is to be displayed if the check statement fails.

Validation in Project system:

You can create the validations for Project systems using Tcode OPSI or from the following menu path:
SPRO >Project system> Structures> Operative Structures> Work Breakdown Structure/Network> Maintain Validation.
Once you create the validation, this validation should be maintained in Project profile (for Project Definition and WBS element) or in Network Profile (for Network header and Network Activity) Make sure to tick the check box automatic validation in project profile, so that system performs validation automatically whenever you save the project.
You can assign only one validation name per object, say project definition or WBS Element, in project profile. But you can create 999 validation steps for a single validation name.

Examples of Commonly used Validation:





To allow specific project codes for specific project profilesPROJ-PSPID like A*PROJ-PROFL = ‘1000’System checks if the project code starts with A, then project profile 1000 has been used or not.
To check 1st level WBSE code is same as project codePRPS-STUFE = ‘1’PRPS-POSID =
System checks First level WBSE and Project definition number are same or not
To check project code and WBSE code are samePROJ-PROFL = ‘00001’PRPS-POSID :1-X: =
System allows to have different WBSE code under a project code, in order to avoid this, you can perform this check. Here, X denotes the length of the project without special characters.
To check specific characters in the WBSE codePROJ-PROFL = ‘00001’PRPS-POSID :X-X: = ‘A’System checks whether the ‘X’ th position of WBSE code is ‘A’ for the project profile 00001
To allow only certain user to enter a value in certain fieldsPRPS-PRCTR <> ‘ ‘SYST-UNAME  = ‘ABC’System allows only user ABC to enter the value for Profit center for all WBSE
To make project type mandatory for particular project profile and for 1st level WBSEPROJ-PROFL = ‘001’
PRPS-PRART <> ‘ ‘System checks whether the project type has been entered for 1st level WBSE of the project with profile 001
To make resp cost center as madatory field for a particular network type and profile.CAUFVD-PROFID = ‘0001’
<> ‘ ‘
System makes sure that resp. cost center is filled for a particular network profile and network type.

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