Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to create a new class type

How to create a new class type.

1. If the object table, you want to classify with, does not exist
- you have to add it to table TCLO using following customizing transaction:
SPRO -> Cross-Application Components -> Classification System -> Classes -> Maintain Object Keys.
If the object table already exists, please go to 2.

Add the table and maintain transaction code and key fields.

2. In transaction O1CL, you also have to add the new object table.
SPRO -> Cross-Application Components -> Classification System -> Classes -> Maintain Object Types and Class Types

3. Then, select the new object table and go to 'Class Types'. Here you can add a new class type.


4. The last necessary step is to maintain the classification status.
Now, the new class type is ready for use.
For more information about class types in general, please have a look at SAP Library:
--> Cross Application Components
   --> Classification System (CA-CL)
      --> Class Types

Few PS Interview Questions and Answers

What are different types of cost planning?
What is difference between ECP and unit costing?
What is allocation structure?
How to configure settlement rule?
Why settlement is made for the WBS?
How settlement is made for the WBS?
What are difference types of billing?
What is resource related billing?
What is the integration between PS and FICO?
What are the basic tables in PS?
Why and how budgets are used in PS?
What are the basic steps for budget functionality?
What is the difference between customer project and investment project?
What is coding mask?
What can be created from the project (PReq, PO, SO..etc)?
What is substitution and where it is used?
What is validation and where it is used?
What is the difference between standard PS and cProjects, which one is more convenient?
How to block user from entering time for the last year in CATS?
What is the AUC and Final Asset?
What are the basic configurations needed for creating a project?

1. What are the parameters of Project System?
There are several parameters to define in here at the structures level. First, its the Project Definition (Proj. Profile), then we have the WBS Level, and then, if used, the Network/Activity/Subactivity Level. You may include components and services. The configuration goes into Proj. Definition, WBS and Activity profiles.

2. What is the accounting and Logistical information that gets defined with a Project Definition?
In the Project Profile, you define the Controlling area, Company Code, Business Area, Plant, Functional Area, Profit Center and Project Currency for the project. If it is a sales project, you can also define Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division and DIP Profile. In addition, you also define the Object Class, Planning Profile, Budget Profile, Costing Sheet, Interest Profile, Investment Profile (CAPEX), Result Analysis Key (CO-PA), Settlement Profile and Settlement Rule Strategy. You will also define whether costs are actual or statistical. This information is then copied to lower level WBS elements.

3. What do Activities, NTW, WBS represents?
WBS and Networks are two structures that differ in the way in which they enable you to structure projects and in the functions provided for them in the SAP system. For example, if you need a hierarchical budget management function for a project, you would want to use a WBS structure. If, in addition, you also want to do capacity planning, you would have to use one or several networks as well. Depending on the specific requirements you may be able to map a project only via a WBS structure, or by using only one or several networks, or a combination of both.

4. What is the menu path & T. Code for defining special characters for Projects?
It can be found at the following location:
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> Project Coding Mask >>> Define Special Characters for Projects
Transaction is OPSK

5. The structure of NTW is similar to what type of order?
Maintenance order.

6. What is the impact of coding mask on the project and where is it created (menu path)?
Coding masks contain the sections for the external identification of projects, and they are separated by special characters. A section consists either of numbers that are represented by "0" characters in the coding mask, or alphanumeric characters that are represented by "X" characters in the mask. You can store a descriptive text for each coding mask and use lock indicators to control whether the key and the associated mask can be used for operative or standard WBS structures.
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> Project Coding Mask >>> Define Project Coding Mask
Transaction is OPSJ

7. How to set field status of WBS as mandatory, (WBS Element, NTW)?
There are five different transactions. Project Definition, WBS Elements, Network Header, Networks Overview and Network Details. There you will see a table with radiobuttons that indicate whether a field should be set as Input, Required (mandatory), Display, Hide. You can also define Influence Fields and Field Groups.
For Project Definition and WBS Elements:
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Work Breakdown Structures >>> User Interfase Settings >>> Define Field Selection for Work Breakdown Structures
Transactions are OPUK (Project Definition), OPUJ (WBS Elements)
For Networks:
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> User Interfase Settings >>> Define Field Selection for Networks
Transactions are OPUA (Header), OPUB (Overview), OPUC (Details)

8. Diff between validation & substitution
Substitution enables to automatically change master data fields of Project Definitions, WBS Elements, Network Headers and Activities. For example, you can automatically set the cost center 9999 for those WBS Elements into which responsible persons with number 0 to 20 have been entered.
Validation enables you carry out self-defined checks for master data fields of the same elements. But the result of validations consists of informational messages, warnings or error messages. For example, you can validate that projects with a specific project profile always begin with the same key.

9. What do time profiles do?
This profile is part of the "Planning Board Profile" and it determines the begginning and the end of the evaluation and planning periods. This means that preevaluation and post evaluation periods are defined automatically. This is how the Planning Board is displayed graphically.

10. Where do we define time profiles? What is evaluation period?
Evaluation period is the period in which you want to control your project, and it will be displayed in your planning board. Dont get confused with scheduling, which is how time is managed in a project.
Project System >>> Structures >>> Project Planning Board >>> Define Time Profiles
Transactions is OPTY

11. What are the different time profiles?
There are two, but you can define your own. SAPPS_Z001 and SAPPS_Z002.

12. What is value categories required for? Where are they maintained?
13. What are the important terms in a costing sheet?
14. How to create and change planning profile? What is the Menu path?

15. How and where do you control the budget for the project & what is the menu path?
Through the Budget Profile, in transaction OPS9. Path is:
Project System >>> Costs >>> Budget >>> Maintain Budget Profile
Among other things, you will have to define the Time Frame (Annual or Total), Exchange Rate type, whether or not Availability Control will be used, and the Budgeting Currency. There are additional settings in that path, such as defining a Budget Profile for a Project Definition among others.

16. How do you control that the project does not run over allocated budget?
You use Availability Control by defining tolerance limits, which will allow you to define by how much you can overspend. For example, you can set the system to send you a message wuen 95% of the budget has been spent, and stop al PR´s when you have reached 100% or 110% of the budget. Path is Project System >>> Costs >>> Budget >>> Maintain Budget Profile >>> Define Tolerance Limits

17. What does project version do? How do you define the project version (menu path)?
18. What governs the way scheduling is to be performed? What is the menu path?

19. What setting does NTW scheduling contains? Where are these settings done (menu path)?
Control Key in transaction OPSU defines whether an activity can be confirmed, scheduled, capacity requirements determinarion, costs, etc. Other important settings include Network Types, Parameters for Network Types, Network Profiles and Control Keys. There settings are found in the following paths:
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> Settings for Networks
Project System >>> Structures >>> Operative Structures >>> Network >>> Settings for Network Activities

20. What is the organizational structure of PS module?
PS structure consists of Project Definition, WBS Elements and Networks. PS uses structures from FI/CO, MM, SD, etc. There is no structure of PS but the one provided above. - See more at:

21. What are the important or major difference in Customer projects and Investment projects integration?

By using the integration of SAP PS & IM in the SAP system, you can plan, distribute monitor budgets of projects.
Investment programmas in the investment management for the basis for the comprehensive planning & budgeting of costs for a company's plans or investments. Investment programs consist of an investment program definition with general specifications and default values for entire programmes & hierarchically arranged IM Program positions.
After you create structure of an investment program, you can use this to plan costs hierarchically and to allocate budget.
Maintenance order, internal orders and projects that you assign to investment program positions are called investment measures. ( in SAP terminology create Appropriation request IMA11) to map project proposals, ideas other plans before their possible implementation in system. you can create variant within the AR for the different investmemy options
Using status & workflow you can map multiple approval process for AR in IM.
After you approve the AR you can transfer this to the Investment measure when you create project from AR, you can use operative & std WBS as template. when you transfer AR to project, project receives master data of AR.
After you have assigned AR & Investment measure to investment program positions, you can roll up their planned cost to relevant program positions ( IM34)
Cost planing of Investment program can be use for the budgeting process in IM. Fist step to allocate budget of diff. prog. positions & second to allocate budget to IM measure i.e. in PS terms projects.
Settlement of Investment projects :
If you assign an investment profile to a WBS, the system may automatically generate one or more AUC when you release WBS. Based on requirement of your you create fixed asset & diff. part to be capitalized as FXA & not.

22. Primary integration for PS

Below is a brief overview of the primary integration points for PS – there are others, such as Fixed Assets and Human Resources but they do not play as substantial a part as the ones shown below.

Controlling (CO) – Substantial integration exists between PS and CO. This is because PS relies on so many objects that belong to CO for Integrated Cost Planning, Settlement, Results Analysis, Resource Planning and any reporting that involves Cost Elements. Controlling Area is the most obvious connection, without which PS could not function. In Workforce Planning via Work Centres/Activity Types, there is integration with Human Resources (HR) to register personnel who are assigned to projects.

Materials Management (MM) – Based on Materials and BOMs, PS has the ability to create Reservations, Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders via Easy Cost Planning Execution Services and Networks in general. This powerful integration makes PS a key player in the logistics cycle, including the ability to handle Services via Service Masters. Further, the ability of Networks to work with Catalogues takes PS into SRM (Supply Relationship Management), where the internet plays a large part in sourcing materials. Additionally, PS can help manage the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) cycle with its MRP Grouping functionality. PS is the ‘owner’ of the ProMan facility which tracks and helps manage all the Procurement document flows.

Sales and Distribution (SD) – PS has a fairly straight-forward integration with SD via Order Numbers. All SD Orders (Quotations, Sales Orders, Consignment Orders etc) can be assigned to a project for the purpose of planning revenue, creating Billing Plans and attracting costs. DIP Profiles (Dynamic Item Processors) assist in the process of simulating and automatically creating Sales Documents, plus providing a means to bill customers based on activity within a project (Resource-Related Billing). Additionally,
Assembly Processing provides the means for a Sales Order or Quotation to automatically generate a Project using Configurable Materials.

Finance (FI) – As PS is primarily a Cost Planner and Cost Collector and therefore a slave to FI/CO, its primary objects (WBS and Network) rely on actual expenditure to manage Account Determination, which is really the Chart of Accounts. Ultimately, all costs end up somewhere in Finance. Cash-flow management is also a feature that PS can be used for, via Funding Areas in Treasury.

Production Planning (PP) – Though not a major player in the PS side of integration, it is via MM that PP is informed of Production Orders using special settings in the Material Master.

Plant Maintenance (PM) – At the heart of this integration is Maintenance Orders, which like most external orders can connect to PS for Planning and Settlement purposes. Generally, Maintenance and Service Orders apply to Capital or Customer-based projects, where equipment serviced on-site can be managed in a Project.

Investment Management (IM) – Quite a substantial amount of integration here. IM seamlessly integrates with PS to manage Assets Under Construction (AUCs). Cost Planning can be managed in PS, sent to Investment Programs and returned to the project as a managed Budget. AUCs are automatically generated when a project is released, so there is relatively important connection to Fixed Assets.

23. How to create a new Project Profile?

We have a new location (company code, etc). When I enter CJ20N to create a new project I need to have a project profile for the new location available.

Transaction OPSA.

24. What is SAP-Project System?

    Project System is a Project management tool from SAP. Which has a very good integration with the other modules of SAP like FI, CO, MM, SD, PP, HR, DMS. This module basically co-ordinates and controls all the phases of a project, in direct co-ordination with purchasing and controlling, from quotation to design and approval, to resource management and cost settlement.

    Also beside the integration with the SAP module this Project system also has an integration with the third party popular Project management tools like Microsoft Projects and Primavera.

25. What is Project Definition ?

    Project definition is a binding framework in SAP for all organizational element created within a project (e.g. WBS and Networks). Data like company code, plant and person responsible can be defaulted into WBS if initially entered in the project definition. Such data can also be defaulted into the project definition via project profile which will then default it to subsequent WBS.

26.    What is WBS ?

    A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a model of a project, and shows the project activities to be fulfilled in hierarchical form. It forms the operative basis for planning costs, revenues, and payments, as well as for scheduling, and budgeting. It also shows the responsibility.

    One definition from the Project Management Institute is as follows:

    The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a key planning tool used to define a project in terms of its deliverables while providing a method for breaking these deliverables into meaningful work efforts.

    It is the functional basis for further planning steps in a project, for example, for process planning, cost planning, scheduling, capacity planning or costing, as well as project control.

    It provides a clear picture of the project and facilitates the coordination and implementation of the project from a management standpoint.

    It shows the work involved in a project.

    Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) is created under an object known as Project definition.

27. What is a Network ?

    A Network in Project System module is used to represent the flow of activities or tasks within a project. During the life cycle of a project, networks are used as a basis for planning, analyzing, controlling and monitoring schedules, dates and resources.

    A Network header contains all the project activities and can be used to default certain values for the entire network. Some of these fields include assignment to WBS, profit center, basic start and finish dates of the network as well as indicators for scheduling (forwards, backwards).

28. What is Standard Project Structure ?

    Standard structures in Project System can be found in Standard project definitions and in Standard WBS These standard structures can be used as a template to standardize project management.

    This brings about the advantage of Making the processing of projects more transparent (everyone create an operative project from a standard project), Enabling comparison of projects with similar structures, Facilitates project controlling

    Standard project templates CANNOT be used to capture any actual data (e.g. costs, actual materials used) and they serve as a quick way to create an operative project during implementation stage. As such, it is recommended that nominated users maintain these standard project templates at least once a year or whenever there are process changes for each type of project.

29.   What is Project type ?

    Project type is an object that groups projects according to criteria. Authorization and security can be done based on the project types.

30.  What is Project Coding Mask ?

    Project Coding helps display complex project numbers. They can also be used to indicate the position of a WBS element in the project hierarchy.

    We can create a mask for every key you want to use in project coding. Project Definition has to be unique in the SAP System and also WBS Element has to be unique in the SAP System.

    Project code is changeable and the hierarchy can be changed up to certain point of project status.

    Project Code has 2 parts

    Part 1: Project Identifier (Project Coding Mask)

    Part 2: Project Number (usually a serial number)

    Every project begins with a Project-ID (max. 5 Characters), Using separators to distinguish the different WBS levels. e.g.: "/", "-", "."

31. What is Project Management?
32. What is unit costing?
33. What is Project planning board?
34. What is Gantt chart?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Primary integration for PS


Below is a brief overview of the primary integration points for PS – there are others, such as Fixed Assets and Human Resources but they do not play as substantial a part as the ones shown below.

Controlling (CO) – Substantial integration exists between PS and CO. This is because PS relies on so many objects that belong to CO for Integrated Cost Planning, Settlement, Results Analysis, Resource Planning and any reporting that involves Cost Elements. Controlling Area is the most obvious connection, without which PS could not function. In Workforce Planning via Work Centres/Activity Types, there is integration with Human Resources (HR) to register personnel who are assigned to projects.

Materials Management (MM) – Based on Materials and BOMs, PS has the ability to create Reservations, Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders via Easy Cost Planning Execution Services and Networks in general. This powerful integration makes PS a key player in the logistics cycle, including the ability to handle Services via Service Masters. Further, the ability of Networks to work with Catalogues takes PS into SRM (Supply Relationship Management), where the internet plays a large part in sourcing materials. Additionally, PS can help manage the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) cycle with its MRP Grouping functionality. PS is the ‘owner’ of the ProMan facility which tracks and helps manage all the Procurement document flows.

Sales and Distribution (SD) – PS has a fairly straight-forward integration with SD via Order Numbers. All SD Orders (Quotations, Sales Orders, Consignment Orders etc) can be assigned to a project for the purpose of planning revenue, creating Billing Plans and attracting costs. DIP Profiles (Dynamic Item Processors) assist in the process of simulating and automatically creating Sales Documents, plus providing a means to bill customers based on activity within a project (Resource-Related Billing). Additionally,
Assembly Processing provides the means for a Sales Order or Quotation to automatically generate a Project using Configurable Materials.

Finance (FI) – As PS is primarily a Cost Planner and Cost Collector and therefore a slave to FI/CO, its primary objects (WBS and Network) rely on actual expenditure to manage Account Determination, which is really the Chart of Accounts. Ultimately, all costs end up somewhere in Finance. Cash-flow management is also a feature that PS can be used for, via Funding Areas in Treasury.

Production Planning (PP) – Though not a major player in the PS side of integration, it is via MM that PP is informed of Production Orders using special settings in the Material Master.

Plant Maintenance (PM) – At the heart of this integration is Maintenance Orders, which like most external orders can connect to PS for Planning and Settlement purposes. Generally, Maintenance and Service Orders apply to Capital or Customer-based projects, where equipment serviced on-site can be managed in a Project.

Investment Management (IM) – Quite a substantial amount of integration here. IM seamlessly integrates with PS to manage Assets Under Construction (AUCs). Cost Planning can be managed in PS, sent to Investment Programs and returned to the project as a managed Budget. AUCs are automatically generated when a project is released, so there is relatively important connection to Fixed Assets.

Organizational Elements of PS