Monday, May 13, 2013

Authorization objects used in cFolders

Authorization object ACO_OTYPE / ACO_SUPER
Value Description
structure cFolders: Bill of Material
s_item cFolders: BOM Item
Hyp cFolders: Bookmark
Col cFolders: Collaboration
Ds cFolders: Data Sheet
Dis cFolders: Discussion
Doc cFolders: Document
Fol cFolders: Folder
Mat cFolders: Material
Txt cFolders: Text
stat_actn Status Management Action
stat_prof Status Profile
stat_trans Status Transition
statfldgrp Field Group Status
Status Status

Authorization object CFX_USER (‘cFolders User’):
This authorization object must be assigned to the user who wants to use cFolders.
Authorization object CFX_OBJ (‘cFolders Top Level Objects’):
It controls authorizations for creating and deleting status networks, user groups, and collaborations in the different scenarios. This authorization object only controls the principal authorization for creating and deleting status networks, user groups, and collaborations. It does not control whether a user has authorization for a certain object.
Value Description
col Collaboration
comp Competition
ntf_tmpl Notification Template
stat_prof Status Profile
stdpart Standard
usrgrp User Group

Permitted activities:
  • Create or generate
  • Delete
Authorization object CFX_APPL (‘Application Area in cFolders’):
If a user has authorization for this authorization object, he or she can make administrative settings.
  • 'Network_Definition': Setting up the network, for example, absolute URL or FTP server settings.
  • 'Content_Definition': Setting up cFolders content, for example, adding generic objects; choosing scenarios to use.
  • 'Layout_Definition': Setting up the cFolders layout, for example, style sheets.
Permitted activities:
  • Change
  • Display
Authorization object CFX_NTF_T (‘Authorization object for Notification templates’):
Permitted activities:
  • Create or generate
  • Delete
Authorization object CFX_BPSRCH (‘For business partner related data search’):
This authorization object must be assigned to users who want to perform business partner related data search . This object would be assigned to the SAP_CFX_BP_SEARCH role.
Permitted activities:
  • Display
Authorization object CFX_PRF_AS (‘Assign a status Profile with only write authorization’):
Permitted activities:
  • Assign

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