The one thing that must be carefully considered in
PR release procedure configuration is to ensure that all possibilities
of PR parameter’s value combinations (all release conditions) have been
anticipated by PR release strategies. Once we determine the release
conditions, if there are PRs which don’t meet any conditions, then that
PRs will be considered that they don’t need any approval/release
processes. So, they will be available to be processed to the next step
(to become a PO or STO).If we don’t want that happen (if we want all PRs
needs to be approved), we have to ensure that each PR created must meet
one of the release conditions. In our scenario, we can ensure that, for
example, by creating a PR document type for STR that only allows “U:
Stock Transfer” item category; and another PR document type that only
allows “Standard”, “A: Asset”, and “K: Cost center” item
categories.After creating the PR Release Strategy matrix, then we start
to configure it on SAP R/3.
A company has four plants (A000, B000, C000, and
D000). Each plant has a stock controller and plant manager. Each plant
produces specific sub-assembly and products, and they can be transferred
from one plant to another. A000 also acts as the Head Office where
Asset Manager and Operational Director perform their tasks.
All PRs created need to be released/approved by specific person according to the following conditions:-
Because usually they create a Stock transfer request/STR (PR with item category “U: Stock Transfer”) that contains a lot of items, they decide that STR needs to be approved by its supplying-plant stock-controller with “overall PR” procedure (header level).
To make this procedure runs well, the company has an internal policy that an STR can contain only items with same supplying plant. If someone needs STR from two supplying plant, he/she must create two different PR. They also have created a PR document type that specific for STR. That document type only allows “U: Stock Transfer” item category. -
PR for external procurement (PR with item category other than “U: Stock Transfer”) needs to be approved with “item-wise” procedure (item level). The release strategy of the PR depends on the account assignment and the total item value.
- Item with “standard (inventory)” account assignment that has total value less than USD 10,000 needs to be approved by its stock controller.
- Item with “standard (inventory)” account assignment that has total value USD 10,000 or more needs to be approved by its stock controller and plant manager.
- Item with “Asset” account assignment needs to be approved by Asset Manager whatever its total value and wherever it’s requested.
- Item with “Cost Center” account assignment that has total value less than USD 5,000 needs to be approved by plant manager.
- Item with “Cost Center” account assignment that has total value USD 5,000 or more needs to be approved by plant manager and operation director.
PR Release Strategies Matrix
From the above scenario we know that we have to use both “Overall PR” and “item-wise” procedures. We also know the criteria/parameters that determine the release strategy (who has the authorization to release/approve PR). To make it easier to understand, we can make a release strategy matrix like the following tables:

From the above scenario we know that we have to use both “Overall PR” and “item-wise” procedures. We also know the criteria/parameters that determine the release strategy (who has the authorization to release/approve PR). To make it easier to understand, we can make a release strategy matrix like the following tables:

Each row in the above “Release Strategies” tables
is a release condition, which if a PR meets the condition, then
associated release strategy will be assigned to that PR. For instance,
if a PR meets condition at the first row of “Release Strategies” table
for “item-wise” release procedure, then that PR needs to be approved by
Stock Controller A.
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